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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Rickiesmom

    A Baby Angel

    Godspeed little one.
  2. Kidney disease? Has this pup had a first-pee-of-the-morning uninalysis to determine among other things whether the kidneys are concentrating the urine?
  3. What a sweet, handsome hound. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. Thinking of you and Gracie today, hoping things are going a little bit better.
  5. I feel for you - stress and fatigue are a tough combination. Hang on to the fact that these are early days and things will get better. It may happen gradually, or in spurts. Gracie does not understand what has happened to her and is probably stressed too. Hopefully she'll settle down soon, as she gets to know whatever new routines you are establishing with her. We are all here for you - post or PM whenever you feel like it.
  6. Perhaps everyone knows this already, but just in case........................ I asked DH to stop at the drug store on the way home to pick up some Benedryl for my whippie Rickie. Knowing that increasingly every OTC med has variants, I asked him to get the original, most basic one. He called me - there were at least 3 variants, the most promising sounding one of which was Benedryl - Allergy. I asked him to take all 3 to the pharmacist to confirm, and I'm glad he did. Turns out the "Sinus and Headache" and whatever the third one was, contain Tylenol!!! Benedryl - Allergy contains an antihistamine (no Tylenol) and is the right one.
  7. Sweet Kenny, loved deeply by your new family, and surrounded by distant friends sending you love and support. Run free sweet angel-hound.
  8. My 11 year old whippet Rickie has some arthritis in his leg joints for which we have been doing laser treatments, underwater treadmill walking, and range of motion exercises. We've never had any negative side effect from the laser treatments and find they help with his stiffness and occasional lameness. We started out 2 - 3 times per week, then weekly, and now we go every couple of weeks, more often if I think he needs it. Please let us know what your experience is.
  9. I am so sorry this sweet boy didn't make it, also so grateful that he was in loving, caring hands for his last days. My heart goes out to those who tried so hard to save him.
  10. Hoping it's some little thing that clears up quickly Robin.
  11. Your boy must now be learning the delights of being Gravity-free. My heart goes out to you at the loss of such a wonderful boy.
  12. Rickiesmom


    Julio has been such a part of the GT doggie family. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. Sending prayers for Winslow and his family.
  14. Have there been changes? I haven't read through the entire thread, but, for example, is there a board now vs. an e-mail forum for communication? I'd like to pass the most recent contact info on to my vet.
  15. Thanks for the update Tina, glad all went well!
  16. Tina we'll be thinking of Sahara this morning, and sending healing prayers.
  17. Such a shock and heartbreak. I am so sorry for your loss of your special boy.
  18. What a beautiful girl. I am so sorry for you family's loss of Muffers.
  19. Dia sounds like such a special girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  20. I haven't had to go to I/D but have done the rest of the above and it has worked well. It's counter-intuitive to fast a dog under these conditions, but it really helps - seems to rest their system which helps when reintroducing food.
  21. Thank you so much for posting this.
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