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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Back from the vet. Both dogs are on metronidazole. Also Panacur, prophelactically. Rickie had a lot of abdominal tenderness so vet xrayed - all he could see was a lot of gas, but no sign of a blockage. Got Rickie's blood results faxed over from the specialty clinic (bloodwork done on Thursday in anticipation of surgery this coming Friday). All looks OK except one value was elevated, sorry, can't recall which, could be a sign of pancreatic involvement but too non-specific to be sure. I declined the more specific snap test for now as it wouldn't really change the treatment approach, and my gut feel (no pun intended) is that Rickie has turned the corner. I'll try to get fecal samples this afternoon, before we start the Panacur. Came home with a few cans of i/d, some of which I mixed into rice along with some pedialyte - both dogs ate well, though Rickie didn't quite finish. Now I have to hope that (a) they both poop before the clinic closes for the long weekend at 4 and ( that the symptoms start going away. Thank you again for your input which is both helpful and reassuring.
  2. While I was waiting for our appointment time to roll around, I cooked some white rice, picked up some extra-lean hamburger to boil, and some pedialyte. Will let you know what the vet says, thank you for the good thoughts and ideas.
  3. All was well on Thursday. Then, in the wee hours of Friday morning, Rickie threw up, twice about 1h or so apart. Concerning, but not alarming - it happens once in awhile, though not usually twice. He ate a little food and a little Ensure on Friday AM and I thought he was OK til that came up too, a few hours later. Waited awhile, gave him some Pepto Bismol, and he seemed to settle down, though without an appetite. He ate a little rice cooked in chicken broth and a bit more Ensure at dinner, and those stayed down. He at this same this AM but hasn't much appetite and isn't drinking. My sense is that we may be through the worst with him, but dehydration is a worry. Arlie was also fine Thursday night. Friday AM her poop was very soft - doesn't happen that often, but from time to time. Before we finished the walk she went twice more, and each time there was more gas, and less, but runnier poop. Her appetite and energy level were fine. Then in the afternoon she started needing to go out every hour or two - and this continued through the night. She acts like she needs to go, but it takes her awhile. Then when she does, there's a blast of gas and then a little really runny poop. Her appetite also isn't great this AM (very unusual) and she has been stretching a bit. I see no outward sign of bloat. We see the vet at 11:40 this AM but I am stumped. These dogs are heavily supervised, not allowed alone even in the backyard, so I don't think they "got into something". The only thing I can think of is that I gave them bully sticks on Thursday afternoon - maybe one of those had something wrong with it (they exchange often in the course of eating them). Or maybe it's a bug of some kind? Any ideas? 9/6: PEPCID question: I have some from another time but have gone completely blank - do I have to give this to Rickie before meals and if so, how long ahead of time? For people the box says 1h before - is the same true for dogs?
  4. Robin, I know how much you loved that sweet momma girl, and still do.
  5. Nothing is routine when it comes to our pups. Glad Lenny is awake and fine - sounds like once he heals he'll be an even happier pup. Ekko will be so pleased
  6. Claudia, what time is the appointment tomorrow? We'll be thinking all good thoughts for Lenny.
  7. How wonderful when the fates intervene and do something so special! Enjoy your petite girl, who evidently has powers beyond her size
  8. Picture yourself 5 years from now, looking back on this time. What would you want that memory to look like, what vision would give you comfort that you did the right thing for your girl? Focusing on this may help to guide what you need to do now.
  9. Sending many, many prayers. In your heart, you don't want her to suffer no matter what this is. So you need to find out, so you can give her love in whatever form is called for right now. It may be the osteo you fear, maybe something else. But you need to be strong and find out so you can be there in the way your girl needs you to be right now. My heart goes out to you and we will hold you close in thought and prayer.
  10. Welcome from Toronto, Ontario Melony. My Arlie (Albion Minnie) came from Birmingham! She definitely understands retirement: Arlie is on the left, whippet brother Rickie is on the right.
  11. I am so sorry. It does sound like Bluedawg will have loving arms waiting to welcome him.
  12. Sending good thoughts for a straightforward procedure and quick recovery for Havoc.
  13. DeVon, I am so, so sorry for you and Amber. Sending prayers of strength and comfort.
  14. I don't know - I'll ask when I'm in next Friday. It certainly wasn't attached to anything, i.e., was in the skin, but I don't know how many skin layers it penetrated. Edited to ask - is the significance of the question related to the likelihood of it re-growing / turning into something worse?
  15. Checking for an update and sending prayers that things seem worse than they actually are.
  16. The "black bump" on Rickie's chest was removed via punch biopsy on Monday and the path report came back today - it's a hemangioma. Benign but according to my vet, best removed with margins in order to avoid local regrowth and associated issues. We see the vet for stitch removal on the 28th and will discuss then in more detail. The biopsy procedure did not take margins. Vet is recommending about 2cm margins, which is the better part of an inch. While I am very relieved it's nothing worse, I feel so bad about Rickie having another surgery. He's 11 and has been through a lot in the last couple of years. My question to those of you whose hounds have had one or more hemangiomas is - what did you do? I am particularly interested in what happened if you elected not to have it removed, or, as is the case with Rickie, had it removed but didn't get clean margins. I recognize that every case is different, but your collective experience will be helpful in deciding what to do next.
  17. I have just gone through something similar with Rickie - very fast onset of infection in the foot with no sign of entry point. Within 15h we went from nothing to huge foot, non-weight-bearing, swelling heading up the leg, and blood oozing from toes. Hope the antibiotics work for Jake.
  18. Given the distress he must have been living with, it's such a blessing that he was brought into care when he was, and loved and cherished as he deserved. Thank you to all who fell in love with him and shared that love with him. I am so sorry the outcome wasn't as we all wished.
  19. I am so sorry for all your friends are going through. I pray the vet can help them to control pain in the back leg and that they have many, many good days with their Ashley.
  20. FWIW, my whippet (who, at 32 lbs, is presumably about 1/2 the size of your grey) was on 50 mg of tramadol every 8h and also on metacam to control pain following a surgery last year. Assuming dosing is somewhat weight-based I would have thought you could give 2 * 50 mg every 8h to a grey in a lot of pain. That said, I am not a vet.
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