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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I'd see a vet - it might be a histiocytoma as others have suggested - oddly enough, when my vet stuck a needle in Arlie's (it was on her ear tip) to get a biopsy sample, it seemed to help it go away faster - he said that was not uncommon. Awhile ago there was a thread on something called a seed wart - you might also want to check that out - can't recall the details now, but apparently they do come up on the feet.
  2. Welcome Kate! Glad to see you here, and look forward to lots more photos!
  3. Pat, I am so, so sorry. Many people who knew Gremlin only from your stories will miss her sassy ways. My heart goes out to you.
  4. Rickie had a tooth extracted last week - nothing beforehand but Clindamycin afterwards. He's had no stomach issues, but I give it after his AM and PM meals so he had food in his tummy.
  5. My whippet Rickie had hemangiopericytoma on his right rear thigh. The first surgery did not get clean margins and it came back about one year later. We had a second surgery done by a board-certified surgeon at the local specialty clinic and this time they got it all, though with very small margins (a couple of mm). It has been a little over two years since then, and there has been no recurrence. I will say that the second surgery was quite aggressive - it required removing some muscle and a creating a skin flap from his stomach but we did all we were told to do at home during the recovery period, and got through it without significant issue. Rickie's never looked back.
  6. I am also intrigued by the idea of using this product in the water applied to the dogs' food - it would solve the waste and expense problem of frequent water changes. We see the dental specialist on Jan 4 and I will ask her her opinion about efficacy when used that way. My guess is that it is most effective when used away from food, as a sort of ad hoc rinse, but it would be really great if it also worked in food. FWIW, in addition to brushing their teeth after breakfast every morning, I add Wysong's Dentatreat to their food in the evening. It really helps with breathe and the yellow staining Arlie is prone to (of my three, she has the worst teeth). Dentatreat can also be used mixed with a little water as a toothpaste and works well and is cheaper that way, but I found brushing teeth twice a day was too much for me.
  7. There is an extremely helpful and knowledgeable group on Yahoo - I strongly recommend you join. They require that you provide your hound's blood and urine test results so they have a picture of what is going on: Kidney Diet List Let me know if this link doesn't work. While it is a diet-oriented list, the moderators in particular are very, very knowledgeable regarding treatments as well. Best of luck to you.
  8. We get a spray from our vet called Dermicare. You can't even stand to breathe the stuff!
  9. My heart goes out to you - sending prayers for strength in love.
  10. Welcome! Your hounds are beautiful - look forward to many more pictures!
  11. This product is supposed to be effective in preventing plaque, and sounds quite benign vs. some of the other products you can add to water. If I decided to use this I would still brush, but this might be an added help. Healthy Mouth Has anyone used this, and if yes, what was your experience? Thank you!
  12. What a beautiful hound. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. You might want to shop around - here, treatments at our local canine rehab clinic are cheaper than at the vets, and I would say the expertise and duration are at least comparable.
  14. I am so sorry for your loss of a very special boy.
  15. So glad he's doing better! Legs sounds like a wonderful, totally lovable guy!
  16. Leslie, I am so sorry. I greatly enjoyed meeting Gustopher P at Sandy Paws in 2007. Your tribute is beautiful.
  17. My vet told me that the liquid form (metacam) was safer than the meloxicam tablets because it didn't sit in the stomach as long dissolving. No idea how often this is an issue, but thought I'd put it out there.
  18. Janet I am just seeing this now - man, have you had your plate full! I am so glad that Jake is healing well. My heart hurts for the lost Grandy babies - hope the remaining two are thriving.
  19. Godspeed pretty girl. I am so, so sorry.
  20. Pat, my heart hurts for yours.
  21. I am so sorry Maxine. Please give Sue my heartfelt condolences. Run forever young and free sweet Millie.
  22. I have no experience with this problem, but wondered (a) if belly bands would help and ( if the hounds are alone all day, if a midday walker would help. Good luck - years ago I had a cat that marked - not a pleasure to deal with.
  23. My arthritic whippet gets Zeel and Wobenzym daily. I think of them as maintenance vs. Trameel which I use for bruising or other specific injury. I would not give Zeel to a dog with any liver or kidney impairment as there is a warning re. long term use and liver. My holistic vet looked into it and felt it was fine for my otherwise healthy whippet, but suggested using Wobenzym only for my girl who has had some kidney issues.
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