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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. No but I will be very interested to know what you think. Jaynie is on Apocaps, which were developed by Dr. Dressler.
  2. Kid-sized boxer shorts? Tail through opening, probably need to sew up or stitch and cut off the unneeded leg.
  3. Maybe look into acupuncture to see if it would be of any benefit. I have no idea, but might be worth investigating.
  4. I don't know if it applies to your situation, but look into whether stereotactic radiation is applicable here, and if so, if there is a facility that does it within striking distance. It requires only a small number of treatments, so even with some travel time might be more practical. I am sorry you are going through this.
  5. Revisiting Palladia with your help please. My understanding is that no study has yet shown it helps with osteosarcoma mets, however, there seems to be some anecdotal evidence from oncologists suggesting they are seeing some positive results. I have also heard that it has side effects pretty often, and sometimes these are severe. This is concerning because unlike post-amp chemo, your dog needs to stay on Palladia long term. My questions are: --> is there any new information anyone is aware of, regarding the efficacy of Palladia in slowing the development of new and existing lung mets, and --> either in your practice, or as an owner of a dog to whom Palladia has been given, what was your experience, in particular if you were using it alone and not as part of a multi-drug metronomic protocol. ALSO: Does anyone have experience with stereotactic radiation for lung mets. Thank you!!
  6. Bree, I am so sorry for all the loss and heartache. Hugs of comfort and peace to you and to Minerva.
  7. I have a fridge magnet that says "Dog Hair. Don't Care."
  8. Cancer is cruel and relentless. I am so sorry for the loss of your happy, enthusiastic girl
  9. My heart goes out to you. Run free sweetheart.
  10. Both my regular vet clinic and the specialty clinic I use will not do a spay and a vdental at the same time. The way my vet explained it to me, a dental showers the system with bacteria, and prophylactic antibiotics are not always up to the job. The counter-argument is that this risk is not as great as the risk incurred with two anaesthesias. Curious to know what your experience has been, especially if you are a clinician. Thank you in advance for your thoughts!
  11. That is a good idea - should have thought of it myself. Looked back and yes, one of her supplements had the green-lipped mussels, so we should be OK. Thank you!
  12. I want to start Jaynie on a new joint supplement called 4Cyte. It is contraindicated if your dog is allergic to shellfish. I have no idea if Jaynie has ever eaten shellfish. So as dumb as I feel asking this question, what do I do if I give her some of this and she has an allergic reaction? Is having Benedryl on-hand enough? The product comes in granules, and I was thinking of just giving her a very small amount to start with, specifically to see if she has a reaction. I have no idea how severe that might be, and don't want to be critical time away from the clinic if she were to go into anaphylactic shock. I was actually thinking maybe I should try it the first time when we are at the vet, but maybe that is too paranoid. I know there are other joint supplements out there, and I am not, at this time anyway, asking for recommendations for alternatives. I just want to be sure I take appropriate precautions before giving it to her. Thank you for your thoughts!
  13. It doesn't seem that long ago, we always read your posts and miss Charlie too.
  14. Jan, sending a little of my heart to yours, which is still hurting so much.
  15. That is a big milestone, so glad it all went well. If you haven't already, I would suggest going to the tripawds.com website. They have two downloadable books in PDF format, and "Three Legs and a Spare" is a great resource to prepare you for when Kelsey comes home. Holding you both in my thoughts.
  16. Tomorrow the pain is taken away, hope, healing and treatment begin. We will be thinking of you and Kelsey tomorrow.
  17. A beautiful gift from Pudge, even if tinged in sadness.
  18. Jaynie had laser treatments to the LS junction area of her back last summer, where she had a disc bulge, and they definitely helped with healing. IIRC sessions were about 15 - 20 minutes, using a portable laser. I asked about cancer risks because Jaynie is a front leg amputee due to osteo, but was told that the effect of laser is very localized, so treating her back (MRI showed no cancer) would not hasten its return.
  19. Another vote for this model of Ruffwear harness. Jaynie had a left front amp, and friends added a buckle to the strap that runs down the chest, so there is no need for her to step into it. If you can find someone to do this, it is a huge help. You may not be able to use this harness from the get-go because it may cover part of the incision and if so, may be painful / irritating, but once the incision is healed, it's great. Jaynie doesn't really need a harness, but then and now, I greatly prefer it to a collar as a leash point attachment (she does wear a tag collar with a boomerang tag), and sometimes a martingale if I think it might be handy or as a fashion accessory LOL. I already had, and therefore used, this assist harness in the early days, because it didn't touch the incision area, however, it needs to be snug as it will rotate on a front amputee. Also, your dog needs to step into it (Jaynie is light and I lifted her into it). On the up side, it is very soft and can be left on for longer than just walks. I did find it helpful in the early days. As with the other harness, it provides an attachment point for the leash. Finally, for convenience, I have adjusted the Ruffwear harness to fit over her body, and the assistance harness to fit over her coat, so in transitional weather like now, I use one or the other depending on the weather.
  20. I was away for a couple of weeks and am still catching up. I am so sorry for your loss of your beautiful Effie. That photo makes me wish I could have met her.
  21. Brynn, belated welcome home, pretty and special girl!
  22. Lori I am so sorry. Your love for Sheana radiates through your tribute.
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