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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Patricia, words are just so inadequate. I remember when Angel Sophia left and sent you Lacey. I am so, so sorry. Sending prayers for you and Fred.
  2. So sorry that Carrier had those side effects, hopefully they can give him something to help out with his next treatment. Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches to Carrier.
  3. Wonderful that she felt like playing. Prayers continue for Darcy.
  4. Sorry for the confusion...the link is the right school but I mixed up the names.
  5. All I will add is I am so sorry this has happened to your Christoffe. Sending prayers for Christoffe . Whatever decision you make will be the right decision for Christoffe, no one knows him as well as you.
  6. Click on this link, it is the University of Colorado Veterinary School in Fort Collins. link
  7. Poor baby, she has got to be so confused and stressed. Pain can cause both panting and shivering, but stress can too. When she is laying down try covering her with something light, maybe that will give her some comfort. ETA....Having a complete physical and bloodwork would be good, and then the dental if all is ok.
  8. I agree. Very pale, almost blue gums are saying something, and it is urgent that there be a diagnosis. Edit to add.... How far are you from Fort Collins, and the university vet school? vet school web site
  9. i am so sorry Sending prayers for Lenny Whatever decision you make will be the right one for Lenny.
  10. Sending prayers for Mia and hoping she gets to come home tomorrow.
  11. Prayers continue for Lacey Laine, Patti and Fred.
  12. Oh sweet Darcy I plan on being able to kiss her sweet nose next April. Continued prayers.
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