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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Glad to hear Sutra is doing well Kristin. I give his roach a perfect 10.
  2. Rest well sweet innocents. I would like to believe your deaths are not in vain. Only time can tell us that.
  3. Sara, I am too far away, but please know I am thinking about you and Tuna.
  4. I am so sorry Heather. Go run with the angels and wait for your Mom Rocky.
  5. Glad to hear Vinny is comfortable today. More prayers headed your way.
  6. I am so sorry Linda. I will miss your brave boy too. Rest well sweet one.
  7. I have always let my dogs dictate where they want to go for their walks. It is their walk after all. Since Future was my first he decided the walk route even after the others same along. To the left of our drive way is toward the nuclear site. That is long walkies off leash. To the right is a leash walk toward the road and is shorter. Without exception Future alternated the route every day. Short one day, long the next. If we walked twice in a day which we generally did on the weekends, he would still alternate routes. That behavior always fascinated me too. I waited 11 years for it to change. Never did.
  8. gazehund


    I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well Apollo, whole and pain free now.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I have had cats all my life. Love them all and miss every single one of them. Rest well Kitteh.
  10. Good thoughts for Vinny and his Mom. Keep us posted please.
  11. I am sorry for your loss. Welcome to GT from upstate NY. Many people here do not presently have a greyhound. Me, I have three with a fourth still racing. I am happy to share them with you!
  12. Awww Lucy. I know I dream, everyone does, but I never remember them. Good or bad.
  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest well Sirocco.
  14. Glad everything checked out o.k. Pam. I don't think you are crazy. It has been my experience that if a savvy owner thinks there is something wrong with their dog, there often times is. Fingers crossed for Poodle.
  15. I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest well Baloo.
  16. Where have those 2 years gone Janet? Seems like yesterday. Miss you sweetie.
  17. Here ya go Nancy! Get Em!! Feel better sweetie.
  18. No advice / experience but holding good thoughts for you and your boy. Can we SEE him? Please........
  19. gazehund


    I am so sorry Holly. Fear not. He knew. Rest well gentle soul.
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