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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Hey Ellie, how ya doin' I've been told that you are a beautiful little girl. The only real info your Mom gave us is that you like to eat. Seriously, tell your Mom all greyhounds like treats. Lets cut to the chase, you love stuffies, but what kind? The honking, grunting, squeaking, screaming or silent ones? Do you like balls or other non stuffie things? Are you a bouncy type, or a calm centred hound? Do you have a beau? Or have you had your heart broken? Are you a soft bed girl or do you seek out a couch of your own? Give Santa a clue to what is in your heart.
  2. Here's the deal, we are counting you two to tell Santa all about each other. Be honest, be truthful, come clean! Above all no tall tails! Santa needs to know what you want in your stocking. How old are you? What are your favourite treats, toys, stuffies. How do you pass your day? Are you quiet or busy?
  3. Come on! No baby that cute could be trouble. Okay wait a minute scratch that, Peanut is cute and trouble. You are gorgeous though. How old are you? Scribbles is pretty cute, you both look quite cosy. I hope there was a chaperone present.
  4. I was just about to ask that. Glad to hear you think it looks better. Hugs to y'all.
  5. Rosie, your Mom says "You are a little ball of mischief!" Would you like to comment on that? What would a little black girl like you desire for Christmas? Something to chew? But what? A stuffy? One that honks, grunts, rattles, squeaks or screams? Do you have a male interest? Tell me please, I can keep a secret. Have you had your heart broken? If so how can we fix it? With treats? No chocolate sorry. Are you a bed hog, or do you prefer the big comfy couch? What else do you sent to tell me that will help Santa give you your heart's desire.
  6. I keep coming back to this thinking I can say something to help. I am so sorry that simply says it all. Godspeed Peatie! You were loved so much.
  7. Welcome! She is beautiful. She looks a lot like my almost 13 year old Foxy.
  8. See, I knew you'd find some positives in your life.
  9. I talked to Trish and she is concerned because Peatie just flopped over outside. She got him to come in with some coaxing and he didn't even look for a dog bed, just flopped on the floor. His heart rate is good, his breathing slow and steady and his gums are pink and recover quickly when she pressed on them. I did suggest she take his temp. I don't think he is in any danger, I expect he is feeling crappy. He has been doing really well until now, and not showing any signs of being ill. Trish does have a call in to the vet and I suggested she take him in if he is the same tomorrow to get him evaluated. Other than that I imagine that this is the real sign that he is a very sick boy.
  10. Safe trip home everyone. I'll give you a call probably Tuesday night Eva.
  11. Keep fighting the fight Carrier. You have our thoughts and prayers.
  12. Irene, I am so very sorry. Godspeed Brandy
  13. Colour Blue Savoury food Cheese Chocolate Cadbury or Hazelnut cream Cookie Ginger Stuff to put in the bath Water Stuff to use in the shower Smell Coffee Scented candle Orange Photograph of your dog(s)? I'll have to come back to this one Type of jewellery Necklaces Style of ornament Snowmen and angels Style of festive decoration Traditional Television programme (present) CSI original and Miami Television programme (past) Type of reading material (inc authors if appropriate) Mystery Romance
  14. RTrish I was shocked and saddened to see this. I'm so sorry. Godspeed sweet girl, you weren't here long but you made a big impression.
  15. They are both so handsome Jill. Auntie Foxy is happy they are with you.
  16. Jake has done that at least twice. I bandaged his leg making sure everything was padded. The first time, the nail was in the bandage the next day. Recently (2 weeks ago) his nail was at a right angle so I wrapped, the next day everything was straight. The nail fell off a couple of days later and everything seemed fine. 6 days after the injury he was limping and his foot was swollen. He has been on Clavamox since and is fine now. So, just make sure you cleaned it well and keep a close eye on it. I'm beginning to hate dew claws.
  17. This was so hard to read. Huge hugs to all of you, I know how much this had to hurt. Praying for better days ahead. Godspeed little Gizmo. You leave behind a hole in many hearts.
  18. I'll ask him the next time I email, which should be Wednesday. Someone PM me then and remind me, mind like a seive these days.
  19. Oh Lacers we d love you! You make me smile girlfriend.
  20. I keep coming here and finding myself unable to post. It's much easier to be strong when it's someone you don't know. Trish I am beyond sorry. I wish there was something I could do. I am here for you if you need me. You have my email, do you have my phone #?
  21. Wendy you helped me get to know her. Thank you! Hugs to both you and Kevin. Godspeed Beautiful Dancer
  22. A number of people have had a great result using bee propolis. I know Xan posted about it a while ago. I passed that info on to a friend and now her grey only has one corn left.
  23. Perky! Yep that's our Lacers. Sorry Patti I know that had to hurt, but Stern voice - Lacey Laine you stop biting your Momma girlfriend or else!
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