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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Free shipping on all SS orders. Plus as always when sending a gift, wrapping and a card at no extra cost. Don't forget I am always happy to do custom necklaces to match collars or unique personalities. My Christmas goodies will be on my web site after our local event on October 27th.
  2. Hard to read, but not unexpected. Time to dig deep Lacers, pull out the stops and fight girlfriend!
  3. Breath! Make an apointment to get it checked. Take a picture and post it so we can see what you mean.
  4. Welcome! Of course Frannie needs a friend.
  5. Just went through something similar with Jake a few weeks ago. He tore a hole on the inside of his ankle. No way to stitch, but wide open for infection. I cleaned it and put antibiotic ointment on it and wrapped. I changed the bandage daily (mainly to make sure there was no infection) and soaked it with an epson salt and water cloth. I sat with him until it while it air dried then re wrapped. It took just over 2 weeks before it dried up and closed enough that if he licked it it wouldn't open up again. Chase's wound looks good, I'd still keep it covered when you can't keep an eye on him. At least for a couple more days. Epson salt soaks and water therapy really help speed healing.
  6. Jennifer I am so very sorry. Scooter will be greatly missed by many of us here. I prayed that there was something we could have done. Godspeed Scooter we love you!
  7. Foxy had an oral steroid, no pred a few years ago for her neck. No problem then. She gets low dose pred for her LP only when needed which is very rare, again she tolerates it well. Hope you get Ryan's issue sorted out.
  8. Foxy has had LP for well over a year now. We have been fortunate that hers has been slow in progressing. Although in June I thought we would be facing the end soon as she had a serious breathing crisis. We made the decision not to do the surgery as I was uneasy about it. I had also made a promise to her after her cancer surgery that we wouldn't put her through anything else like that. Since her overnight stay at the vet in June, she has been under house arrest and is doing really, really well. We have pred and ace if we need it, but she has only had pred twice and we've never needed the ace. The hardest thing is to stop her from getting too excited as that was what started her crisis. We've finally struck a balnace between caution and letting her be herself. No more car rides or visits to anyone's home. She still gets to sprint in the yard to the back of the fence or run at Mom while she stands in the doorway. She'll be 13 in Dec and is a 3 year cancer survivor. It's a very hard decision Heather not one we made easily or haven't questioned from time to time. In the end you have to do what you know is right for Champ.
  9. Hoping this is just a little blip. This is the week she just gets blood work, am I right? Hope it is so she gets a bit of a rest. Lacey Laine, here this - you take it easy and stay well, you heare? It's my birthday tomorrow, well I guess it's today now, so what I really want is you to continue getting better. We love you.
  10. I'm so sorry. I strongly believe that some things are just meant to be. He was meant to be yours to live out the time he had left, albeit a short time. Godspeed Foxy you were loved.
  11. We've been through this twice with Foxy although not for many years now. We never did find out the actual cause or real source. Our vet said the next time they could do an x-ray with dye to see if that would reveal anything. We never did have to go that route. If you can find a canine massage therapist they may be able to identify the source of the pain which could give you a better idea of what you are dealing with. We found that out by accident when I took Jake for a massage when he had an unidentified limp. She found the source of the pain and where it was being referred to. She also suggested using Traumeel, it worked really well to bring down the inflamation. I use it myself now, when my back or neck are really hurting.
  12. Here I sit grinning from ear to ear. Way to go you brindle ball of dynamite, you go girl!
  13. Peanut Jake and Jet are all donors. They donate for Life Stream a canine blood bank that supplies blood primarily in Ontario Canada, but have sent it to Texas and even the Bahamas. Our program is run by the Greyhound Supporters and we have 30 + dogs that donate every 3 months or so. The clinic is held once a month and is held at someone's home. The blood draw is from the leg and the dog can be in whatever position they want. Most can, and do, move around a bit. Jake is a very fast donor at just under 15 minutes. Jake during his donation Peanut - this donation saved a Momma dog and her puppies, they had distemper.
  14. That is beautiful. Can I use that under picture when I put her on the Angel page?
  15. Nancy, Queen Winnie is my hero. A girl who had so much personality, beauty and fight. We will never forget her and the Hope she has given so many facing this horrible disease. It's going to take me a few days to change her page on HfH I can never find it in myself to do it right away, so those who want to will find her story here at least until the weekend. Godspeed sweet angel, the heavens are a brighter place.
  16. I met Marky in Nan's books. If he was anything like his brother Hunky he was a gorgeous sweet handsome boy. Godspeed Marky!
  17. She can also contact OSU herself using bupdog's contact addresses. They are happy to work with pet owner and/or vet. Praying they can get an answer quickly.
  18. I was hoping it was something else. You have my prayers, healing thoughts and support.
  19. Check out the Inspiring Stories on Hope for Hounds. I just got back from OSU and seeing Bosha one of our poster hounds. He will be 2 years post amp on Oct 24th (I think) Please have your vet contact Dr Couto at OSU. greyosu@osu.edu He will be able to help with info and diagnosis. Whatever you decide it is a difficult journey. There are many who are with you. Also join Circle of Greys, its a support group for hounds with illnesses. If you need any other info, let me know, you can contact me through a link on my website.
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