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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Mroe hugs and prayers heading your way.
  2. Aimme you fought very hard and gave her a fighting chance. I'm so sorry you had to lose her so soon. Godspeed Chancy Girl! You were so loved.
  3. Welcome! You'll find lots of helpful information and fashion advice here
  4. Patti you, Fred and the pups have our love, prayers and support. Hang in there. Remember.................
  5. I'm not surprised, but was so hoping that it would not be.
  6. HopeForHounds

    My Quinnie

    Hon I know this is so hard for you. Know that I am thinking about you all. I'll call you in a few days. : Godspeed Quinn my boy. You have some awesome company to meet you at the bridge. Just watch that Angie girl she is a flirt.
  7. Foxy is 3 year post removal and still doing very well.
  8. I had an email from her earlier today.
  9. Patti take a deeeep breath. Make sure you have your vet contact OSU. Dr Couto is away until tomorrow but I will let him know about Lacers. You have my eamil, so please email me what you find out. Love you guys. Janet and the pups. Lacers girl, I want you to be strong and fight whatever is going on. Your sister and I are praying for you.
  10. Oh no! Liz I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for you, Larry, Nimby and the kids. Godspeed Earl
  11. Mary I know how much this is hurting you. Angela was a wonderful girl, I am so glad that I was able to meet her and spend some time with her. I will remember her pretty, happy face. Godspeed Angie girl. Don't forget to send your Mom a sign and keep watch on Zoe and Casey.
  12. Julie I am so sorry. I have been thinking of you since Char told Laura and I last week. Gigi was a wonderful girl, I have made a donation to Hope for Hounds in her name. Godspeed Gigi I bet you and Iva are having a ball.
  13. I second the taped muzzle idea. No matter how much they promise to leave it alone, just turn your back and see what happens. Make sure you poke some holes in the tape to allow water to drain. Otherwise he'll have his own portable drinking bowl. Heal quickly baby boy, then you get to play like you want to.
  14. Just wanted you to know you guys will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
  15. Lots of new stuff happening to her. She's probably a bit anxious about what's coming next., that is bound to have an impact on her appetite. I know how bad you want her to eat, we've been there a few times. Try not to overdo the bribing, it may continue long after it's needed. Then again, if you don't mind, so what! She is a senior daiva and at this point in her life she deserves the pampering. You and Sprite are in our prayers. I'm really interested to see how this treatment works. I believe that is the one Foxy was/is going to have if she had a re growth.
  16. Be careful Lacey Laine, no more silly tricks to scare Mommy. They are something aren't they? I swear they forget how old they are, or they are daring anyone to remind them. Silly old bats.
  17. I'm so sorry. sounds like she left lots of memories behind.
  18. Praying that is is benign,my favourite word these days. Remember, LaceyLaine had a huge melanoma removed almost 3 years ago, and it hasn't returned. Hang in there, hugs to Scooter.
  19. You have my prayers. Is that the protocol that is injected into the tumor site?
  20. HopeForHounds


    I just got home and sat here for the longest time without opening the thread. I knew when I saw that is was Tina's post that it was your Oscar. I went back to me email without opening it and processed some auction stuff. I have had many people add a few extra dollars in memory of a certain hound. So many losses. Yesterday my good friend Leah lost her beautiful Jilli, now Oscar. I am so very, very sorry. I placed a link to his book on my site with a special message. I borrowed a couple of my favourite pictures, I hope you don't mind. Oscar was one of those special hounds that touched the lives of many people here. He will never be forgotten. Godspeed Oscarman
  21. Leah my heart is aching for you and Russ. Jilli has a big "family" who will miss her very much. Godspeed Pretty Jillian!
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