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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Excellent! What a great way to celebrate a Gotcha Day! I'm working on that eBay auction tonight. Should have some stuff up by the end of the week.
  2. Go Lacers! I was telling Dr Couto what an amazing girl you are. He said yes, you sure do sound like one.
  3. Have fun! You are going to love his talk. I'm heading to Ohio today and will visit OSU on Monday to give him the Miss Nellie Auction cheque, it's a biggie!
  4. Keep fighting Lacers, you show that cancer who's boss. I'll be telling Dr Couto when I see him on Monday what a beautiful and special girl you are.
  5. No clue either. I'd take pics to document. That way you will know if they increase or decrease in size, colour or amount. I would call the skin Dr. and ask their opinion too. With Monty's issues it could just be a nothing, but it also could be something that you need to treat, or a med you need to stop.
  6. Lots of hugs and special wishes to take with you tomorrow. Also hugs for Fred. I'll call you tomorrow night.
  7. Special case? You? Never! I am so relieved for you. I've been thinking of Sheana all day.
  8. You have my prayers. I'm hoping tooth.
  9. Hey TJ! Aunty Janet is glad to see that you left the contraption alone when you took off your bandages. Hot were you? It's an amazing piece of work. Just think a few years ago and it would have been a hip to toe cast. He would never have had a chance to race then after being immobilized for so long. This way he has a chance and should have no issues with his knee later in life. Great vet you have there Cathie.
  10. Tried to call you, but you are busy. So here I am. I am so pleased and relieved. I bet you feel a bit better now. I know you are worried about her getting sick. Maybe she won't, with only eating small frequent meals she may not. I'm praying that will be the case. Also praying she stays hungry, otherwise we have a problem. Sent you another email via PP.
  11. Not GTers per se, greyhounds for sure. He will do everything in his power to help keep them well. Lacers, you rock! Keep fighting girl friend and we'll have another milestone to celebrate. Patti, I hope your are feeling a bit better now that you are able to do something. Thank you everyone who has been involved in making this happen.
  12. Yahoo! I never doubted that Dr Couto and OSU would come through. It's just hard being patient sometimes. I'll call you tonight Patti. to all of you.
  13. This photo really hit me hard. I checked your boy on GH-data. Peter was a half brother to my Jet (it says Jake next to his pic ), the dorky long eared boy in my siggie. They had the same sire, System Carl.
  14. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Maddie you were loved so much.
  15. If it is it's contagious. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after touching.
  16. Will it scrape off? Could be thrush, a yeast infection.
  17. If it comes up, that'd be great. I'd feel guilty about emailing the guy, as I'm sure he is a busy, busy man. He is, but always happy to answer reasonable questions.
  18. Have faith Patti Get in touch with OSU tomorrow and find out what you need to do. You probably will here from Dr Couto, but if you don't contact one of the associates. At least that way you can get the tests done, the vets at your clinic (where you will have the chemo doen) will know what tests are required. I have the page done on my site for Lacey Laine if anyone wants to visit it.
  19. No idea, I will ask Dr Couto that when I see him. Or if you like email OSU and ask.
  20. I'm working on some projects to help get Lacey her treatment. Hopefully my website will be updated by tomorrow. Hang in there Patti. Do you know when Dr Couto is back?
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