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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. That's pretty much the sad fact. Cancer can metastasize to another location in the body. These are called secondary tumors. If the cancer is found in the lungs there is nothing else to be done.
  2. I'm with you Tracey, I see that reunion as a good omen. I mean, what are the odds of running in to her at that particular time? Glad to hear, but not surprised that all went well. Cali's chemo meds arrive tomorrow I think, they cleared customs this afternoon.
  3. A thought - has he been laying in the grass. There are some tiny bugs that bite our guys at play group. They get unraised red marks that are similar to some of the marks. He could have been bitten. Hope it is improved by tomorrow. Again, arnica or traumeel, it reallly helps.
  4. Traumeel or arnica gel will help with the bruising. If it's bigger I would get it looked at.
  5. NICE! Now you keep those pics handy okay. That is going to be really helpful someday. And, I'm betting Jake will like to try that out at some point.
  6. Donna, Miss Great always makes me smile. I'm so honoured every time I see her wearing that collar. She is gorgeous. I'll be seeing her in a few months right?
  7. Great to hear! You can only update your old threads when you are a GT Supporter.
  8. Looks like Cali and Cosmo keep doing things together. Cali starts her chemos this week too. Give her a big hug for me Tracey, she really is a special girl.
  9. HopeForHounds


    I find myself amazed that it's been one year, yet it feels like yesterday. On October 6, 1999 we brought home our first greyhound, an almost 5 year old, 59 lb brindle girl Foxy, I'ma Foxy Dawg. If anyone had told me where that little girl would lead me I would never have believed them. Foxy ruled our home for 8 years and 10 months, so confidently and gently the poor boys never figured it out. Foxy was our first greyhound and we didn't have a clue what an impact she would have one our lives. One that is firmly entrenched in the world of greyhounds. Outside the house, Foxy was regal, serious, at attention. She had a job to do - get greyhounds adopted. At home that serious demeanor disappeared and we shared our lives with a happy, silly, shoe collector extraordinaire. She loved puppies, once she scared my son by picking up our neighbours 9 week old puppy by the head and taking her home. When that didn't work, she held her down and gave her a thorough tongue bath. Foxy loved children, especially little ones. Crying infants got their tears cleaned (that usually stopped the crying too). She had a special bond with Kalia, her first grandbaby. My Diva Princess was fond of fine fashion; collars, necklaces, coats and sweaters. She was so happy on collar change day. We found half siblings here on GT. Sisters; the Queen - BarbieJade, Hermione, Duchess, Martina her brother Eddie, all daughters and son of HB's Commander. She also adopted a GT sister LaceyLaine. Through Foxy I've made so many dear friends. Her cancer led me to start Hope for Hounds, she kept me focused. Foxy beat cancer! She remained cancer free for 4 years. I will be forever grateful to have shared her life for the 8 1/2 years, and for those four extra years we had in which she taught me about strength, patience and determination. Foxy I'm keeping my promise! I will keep working to raise money for cancer research, to find better treatments, and ultmately find a cure. I miss you pretty Diva Princess. Please click on the picture below to share some of my favourite Foxy pictures.
  10. Foxy pealed the skin on the back of her ear. No idea how either, she just came in from outside by herself that way. At first we put the skin back down and bandaged. A couple of days later she came in from outside without the bandage and bleeding again. As it healed, the skin actually just died and pealed off. I know eeew! When it healed and the fur all grew back. 6 months later you couldn't even tell except for a small bump where the skin bumped up as it healed.
  11. Deanna I am so very sorry. I hardly know what to say, I just hope you know how much I care. Godspeed Oliver - Pat's right there are many Mama dogs and wannabe Mama dogs there, they'll be fighting over who'll get to take care of you.
  12. OSU Greyhound Health and Welllness Program will see a greyhound for any reason. The contact info is in my siggy.
  13. Diane you and your family are in my thoughts. Everyone of these fighters takes a piece of my heart with them when they leave. I bet Miz Foxy met Dodge at the bridge. She's been there a year tomorrow and knows where all the good stuff is. Besides, she had a thing for good looking fawn boys. Godspeed Handsome Man
  14. I'm sorry Diane, you both fought so hard. I hope Miz Foxy was there to meet him, tomorrow she will have been there a year so she can show him all the good places. Godspeed Mr Handsome
  15. Praying right along with you. Sending healing thoughts and hugs.
  16. I was going to suggest some of the same things, but all together. EMT is amazing I have the spray and love it. Benedryl will help with the itching until the EMT works. A baby sock (taped at the top) will reduce the chance it will break open if he does scratch.
  17. She looks great. Her incision is not graphic at all. Sending a ton of good healing vibes her way.
  18. Prayers for more healing. The smile on your daughter's face says it all.
  19. Welcome back! Bet you see a lot of changes around here.
  20. We had a 13 border collie when Foxy came home. She pretty much thought he was an alien. They became the best of friends and helived to be 18 a good part, I'm convinced, due to his new sister. Eleanor, I bet he'll be crazy enough to think he can beat you. When that doesn't work he'll try to herd you. Poor Angus used to race Foxy for the mail every day. He never figured out it was a loosing proposition.
  21. Glad to hear he is improving. He is probably my favourite whippet.
  22. Sending hugs to Rickie. Hope he heals quickly. I hate when you have no idea how.
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