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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Adding a very worried Auntie Janet in Canada.
  2. Beth I'm sorry you are facing this. Really sorry about your Dad. I hope this is something he can fight. As for Smiley's toe. For what it's worth, I'd get the fine needle done. They can usually tell by what they see under the microscope whether it is "suspicious". I do agree with him though, removing the toe is the best way to get clear margins. At this point though even if it is suspicious you would likely have to wait to get it removed. Like my vet your's is opting to remove the whole thing for pathology rather than a biopsy - good move. Let me know if I can help at all. Don't forget OSU is there to offer support, even if it turns out it's an infection.
  3. I love Cougar updates, especially ones like this. I'm sending you a PM
  4. Poor William, that is going to be sore. I would muzzle him instead of the cone. Just tape the front then put some holes in it to drain any water he tries to carry around. Either that or put some jammies on him if you have them. Adding a bunch of and some
  5. Iceman and you are in my prayers Alisha. Hope he is feeling better tomorrow.
  6. Mary Pat, I'm sitting her amazed. You survived! I am thrilled that Dima is doing so well. She gives me faith to keep going. I'm hoping she will consider writing a few words when we start the 4th Annual Miss Nellie Auction thread. People need to see what this is all about, hounds like Diamond who have such courage and determination to make it. Diamond, you go girl, show us what Hope is all about. Mary Pat, Dr Couto is a saint isn't he? I wish we could clone him, either that or I am moving to Ohio.
  7. You just described Foxy to a T. Wow! Foxy to had LP and unstable legs. She was rail thin for the last few months, but a more independant girl you would not find (except now we know Tuna is) For me, I knew when Foxy didn't fight help, stopped eating completely and didn't care what the others or I did. That all happened on a weekend, by Monday I had made the appointment. I really had decided that as long as she was connected to us, she was staying - albeit on her own terms. It wasn't easy, but when she was ready, she just disconnected then I knew.
  8. I feel for you, I was in this position last July with Foxy. It really sounds like Tuna still has time. I know it sounds trite, but she will tell you when she has had enough. As for eating, keep at it. Will she eat if you hand feed her, or spoon feed her? I found that Foxy loved (for periods at a time) Flakes of Chicken, Tuna. Add nutritional yeast to your blended concoction. Have you tried freezing it and giving it as a frozen treat? If she likes it, add yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, liver whatever it takes. Try not to spend 4 hours getting her to eat, she is likely picking up on your frustration and desperation. It took me a while, but once I could let it go, Foxy actually ate better.
  9. No experience Julia, but I hope Roo will be okay.
  10. I hate that they have to get hurt on the weekends, especially long weekends. We should ban that. When it's a neck injury, I am really cautious until I am sure is is muscle or disk. Pain meds can make them think they are okay and in turn make things worse. I've also found that anti inflamatory meds combined with Tramadol can make a dog feel really crappy. I would keep him quiet. Put an ice pack or a frozen towel with is lighter on his neck for periods of 10 min. When was his last dose of Tramadol? You could try just using the Rimadyl once the Tram has worn off. I would hope that the Rimadyl and the muscle relaxer will give him some relief. Don't worry too much about the not eating, when dogs are in pain they often will not eat. Just hand feed whatever you can get him to eat so he isn't getting his meds on an empty stomach. I'd alos pick up something for his stomach, I'd tell you but I'm having a brain glitch. I see Batmom already posted one. I'ld take him into his regular vet asap just to asess everything.
  11. It could be from the blood draw. I'd be getting her platelets checked and a clotting factor done. Some greyhounds have a bleeding disorder that can cause this, although usually it's from something like a spay surgery. Did the vet wrap the draw site?
  12. I would get her checked out. It sounds like a bruise. Does she have a fever? Jake is really prone to this kind of thing and when he gets bruising he usually has a fever too.
  13. Oh I bet Miz Foxy is celebrating with you Loca. Happy Bridge Birthday pretty girl. Now, do you have to behave at the bridge?
  14. Tracey I'm sitting here, crying and laughing, remembering your funny little girl with the huge personality. Cosmo has always been and will continue to be one of my GT favourites. I'm so glad we shared her first Sandy Paws. You're right 5 years is far too short, but what a 5 years it was! Gospeed sweet girl I always will think of you when I watch Animal Planet
  15. I'm sorry she had to go Tracey and Jason I hope you find comfort that she went at home the place she loved best. Godspeed Cosmo you were loved by so many.
  16. Tracey, Jason - Cosmo is always in my prayers. Just know that if this is the end of her journey she will not be alone, we are all with her and with you, plus she will be met with much joy on the other side.
  17. I just wanted to take some time to remember my awesome Diva Princess. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are today - loving greyhounds! Thank you for that and a million other things. I bet there is a big party (I suspect 24/7) and you are surrounded by your relatives and many friends.
  18. We just scattered half of my Mom's ashes (the other half my Dad took to England last fall), and they were in a bag slightly bigger than Foxy's urn so about right weight wise.
  19. I usually pay around $85 for a full 10 day course Jake get's 1 and a half pills twice a day = 30 pills.
  20. Happy Birthday Jed! I'm betting Party at the bridge today!
  21. I don't blame your for being cautious. The 24 hour antibiotic rule is per our local health department when our kids at the day care get anyhting like pink eye or strep throat.
  22. Eye infections are as contagious as they are in humans. But, 24 hours of antibiotics and you should all be fine. Most eye infections are transmitted by direct contact, and by sneezing and coughing.
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