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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Peanut and I both thank you for your good thoughts. Although the poor thing is sad when I put her muzzle on, she is leaving her leg alone. Everything looks good today and she is moving about without discomfort and without meds. Once I'm home after work tomorrow, the muzzle will be a back up for when I'm not there to watch her. She has remarkable stitch removing abilities. Tuck her in the back of your thoughts that we stay infection free.
  2. Sheila, my heart is breaking for you. Poor boy I bet he is feeling pretty beat up today. I know you feel you only bought time, but really that's all we have, time! Time to love, time to snuggle, time to play, time to smile. You have no idea how much time you have with him. Make each day count like it's the most important - enjoy him. When you need to rant and rail, we're here. If I miss a post, and you need to talk PM me. Sending you love and hope.
  3. I have good feelings about this Tina. You know I love that boy soooooooooo much!
  4. Home again with two shaved patches. 2 stitches in the lower injury and she has a couple of nasty abrassions above that. Miki cleaned it all up put in dissolvable stitches and told Peanut not to eat them. My vet knows my girl. She has a nasty bruise on the inside of her leg, so we'll put some arnica gel on that. I'll also give her some traumeel and metacam tonight, I suspect by tomorrow she'll be fine. I am getting her muzzle ready to prevent the stitch removal. She proved that she won't leave it alone last time. So were we, sorry we missed you. She sure did a good job, she has a big old bruise on the flip side of that leg.
  5. Peanut just ran into the house, bumped her leg on the frame to the sliding door. Wouldn't put ther foot down. I finally got her foot flat and glanced at her leg - 2" gash at the side of her knee,plus a few smaller abrassions. Nice bruise on the inside of her knee developing too. Luckily it is barely bleeding, as I can't get a bandage to stay put. Hading over in about 20 min so that Miki can take a look to see what needs to be done. Likely stitches or glue since I can see inside if I lift the fur. Think good thoughts for my monkey girl. She was just at the vet's yesterday for her checkup, which was fabulous by the way.
  6. I've been away, so didn't see this right away. Praying you get things figured out for your boy Denise. Your packis always in my prayers, but I'll step it up a bit for Warlock.
  7. I don't know what ERF or CHD are. No, its not a reverse sneeze. No, the vet is not sure its asthma, but we did already do 2 xrays and both showed branching in the lungs (healthy lungs should be difficult to see the airways) The branching looked like the airways were inflamed. She said it did not look like fluid, which has a different appearance on xray. She has inflammed airways, what could cause that? Get a consult from OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program, it's free and they have a full compliment of specialists who know greyhounds. The link at the bottom of my siggy will give you the email address and phone number. You or your vet can contact them.
  8. My first thought was LP, but with what your vet sees it does sound like asthma. But, no reason she couldn't have both and that may be why you haven't seen a difference with meds. Try giving her a benedryl half an hour before going for a walk to see if that helps.
  9. Poor guy! Peanut would freak out everytime she saw the pink bandage on her foot. You can also have your vet consult with OSU Lucy. All she, or you have to do is contact the OSU Greyhound Health and Wellness Program the link is at the bottom of my siggy. They have a full compliment of specialists on their team. Keeping Riley tucked in my thoughts. You know Riley (and Jabari) was one of my first GT crushes.
  10. godspeed Tarmac There is no doubt that you are loved and iwll be missed.
  11. Glad to hear no broken bones. I'm praying you both have a good night. for you and for Riley
  12. One in 4 greyhounds get cancer. Out of that 25%, 80% get osteo witht he other cancers making up the 20%.
  13. Praying it isn't anything worse than a soft tissue injury. When I read the part about the heavy panting my heart sank. All I was thinking about then is he has LP and that kind of drug would be contraindicated I'm sure. What a stressful time for you all. Sounds like your vet know what he's doing and has the panting under control. Waiting with you while you wait on a diagnosis.
  14. The answer from Dr Couto is "Nope…At least not statistically"
  15. Relax, he really isn't fragile. Most dogs newly retired are not used to having the freedom to run at will. A race is over in just over 30 seconds and it has a route the dog follows. He may have just overworked a muscle, or jarred something. As Trudy said if he is newly retired he should still be in shape to run. I know after our barbecue when all the Follow That Hound dogs run in the puppy pen quite a few get an aspirin just in case. Your vet's statement "said that we needed to control how much he ran as he probably wasn't in very good shape, coming from a track. I hope this isn't the case. He said that many greys, especially retired racers, are just so conditioned to run that they will do it to their own detriment. " sounds like a vet who doesn't know greyhounds very well. I don't know of many retired greyhounds that will just run to their detriment. Most need motivation like a playmate, or they see another animal, a toy or blowing piece of paper. I agree with Trudy unless he has a swollen spot, just watch him. Most limps resolve within 3 - 4 days.
  16. The best news. I have an over sensitivity to spider bites. When I get one and react, it takes weeks for the hard swelling to go down. It's really painful too.
  17. Somehow I missed this yesterday. I'm sorry you are facing this, know you are not alone. You're doing all of the things I was going to suggest. If you need anything, send me a PM. Hugs to you all.
  18. I've seen osteo in all 4 limbs as well as ribs and a few other places. So it may be more frequent in the front right but not exclusive. I've sent Dr Couto an email, I'll let you know.
  19. There is no reason, to give the bread. Actually it can make them fight throwing the whole lot back up. Once they have given up their prize I think replacing it with a piece of bread might be appreciated.
  20. It looks different that's for sure. Another excellent sign. You can actually see the ligaments at the front right side of the leg.
  21. Jen I am so sorry. Cancer in the spine is terribly painful..I fear you are going to have to make a decsion far sooner than you want. My heart hurts for you, I know how hard this is. All I can add is spend as much time with him as you can. We are here anytime you need us.
  22. Have you added anything new to his diet? We had a period with Foxy like that when I actually had to take her collar off. I was scared that she would fall down the stairs since as she moved her neck the collar would rub and her skin would twitch, back leg would kick. I was getting scared that it was neurological, turned out to be allergies. She was having a reaction to the kelp I had started adding about 3 or 4 weeks before. Thanks to a discussion with Trish of Dog Dayz, we eliminated the kelp immediately, and she was back to normal in about 2 weeks.
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