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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Ruth please give your sister and her family a hug for me.
  2. I have had up to 4 hounds, and we're at 3 now. All of them come when they are called and go out when I tell them to. They heal kind of but as long as they aren't pulling that's fine with me. All of them have learned to sit. Tonight I was taking one to the vet and Peanut really wanted to come. A firm stay was all it took for her to stop in her tracks. They mostly lie down when I tell them to. Jet will go or down stairs if I tell him to. I've know many greyhounds who have done obedience and done well.
  3. It could be a couple of things. Get your vet to do a fine needle aspiration. Praying that it's nothing serious.
  4. I use traumeel for myself and for the dogs if they get hurt. I use the drops, and also the cream when they have a soft tissue injury. I haven't used it as a daily supplement as it is for specific problems like bruising, sprains and strains. It works really well after surgery. A friend of mine uses it with hemopheliac dogs when they get a bleed and it often lets them skip adding blood products to their treatment. I've heard really good things about fresh factors. They don't ship to Canada, so I'm going to have to get someone to ship to me.
  5. Call the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program, someone should be there to help. The link is in my siggie. Dr Couto doesn't recommend Immodium since if there is something in there causing the problem, it needs to come out. He does recommend Pept Bismol, it has an inti inflamitory effect which helps with the discomfort. Plus giving lots of fluid so he doesn't become dehydrated.
  6. Wow Chrissy those first two pictures say it all. They really know more than we do. Sending many hugs your way, I know how tough these anniversaries are. It was Miz Foxy's 15th birthday last Sunday.
  7. Nothing I've experienced, sorry. I'm sure you've contacted the man so all I can offer is hugs and some prayers.
  8. Jeff, I got this message when I logged in for the first time on my lap top tonight. It didn't happen when we did the test run. I was able to back up and was logged in. 403 Forbidden Your connection details: Time: Sat, 05 Dec 2009 19:53:29 -0900 Host: bas3-ottawa10-1279743342.dsl.bell.ca IP: Post: Query: ? Stripped Query: ? Referrer: User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; FunWebProducts; GTB6; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; Media Center PC 5.0; SLCC1; Tablet PC 2.0) Reconstructed URL: http:// forum.greytalk.com /index.php?? Your IP, and Domain Name have been logged and submitted to a honeypot, along with the referring page, QUERY, POST, User Agent, time of access, and date. 1. Stop malicious behavior 2. Cease accessing this system.
  9. Welcome! We had our border collie Angus when we adopted our first greyhound Foxy. What a duo those two were. He would try to race her to the front door when the mail came he never did figure out that she would beat him every time. When we brought our first foster home he thought we had got it just for him. Angus smiled every time a new hound came in out door. Soon after we brought home his boy Jake. The two were inseparable. We lost Angus at age 18, 5 years ago. He left a huge hole in our house and our hearts. Jake was so distraught that we adopted Jet just a few weeks later.
  10. I would contact, or have your vet contact OSU. The link at the bottom of my siggy will give you the contact info. You can run all of your info by them and they will give you some guidance. Praying you get some help for Star.
  11. I'm so sad to see this. Lauri faced her battle with such grace and determination. My prayers go out to her family. Godspeed Lauri, I'm sure you are in some wonderful company at the bridge.
  12. Everything I look at is centred. Looks really odd
  13. So Wendy, sending you a PM could be problematic?
  14. Star has been safe in my prayers for a few days now. Dani, you know how to reach me. I have a meeting tomorrow night, but I'll be home by 10:00. Email me or call if you need to.
  15. Contact OSU, the link is at the bottom of my siggy. They will talk to you or your vet and give their advice at no charge.
  16. Julie, I'm sorry I missed this. Glad to see it is under control. That is scary.
  17. Deb, you and yours are being held close to my heart. Suzy was one very special girl. I know Miz Foxy and Suzy will be best gal pals. Godspeed Suzie, you are loved.
  18. Wendie and Kevin, I'm so sorry. I know he will be missed by his buddies both large and small.
  19. Oh Vicky, I am smiling huge here. Good news on Cali, and good news on Player - nice! Call me later and let me know how she is doing.
  20. What a rollercoaster Mary. Not fun! Praying it resolves and you get to bring her home where she needs to be.
  21. Is he mad at you? Glad he got it out and now you can breathe easier.
  22. Use a couple of Tablespoons then repeat in a few minutes if that doesn't work. It usually does. Do it outside, you won't have time to get him out after. I know it isn't anywhere near a pound of chocolate, but like with meds each dog reacts differently. It's toxic and could have no effect or be lethal. Give him the peroxide, He'll forget all about it in a few minutes, so do it.
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