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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Isn't it wonderful how Trish still touches our lives? Some of you know that Nancy (GreyhoundNan) Daisy's Mom and I recently published a book "Are You Sitting Down?", I had the honour of writing Flippy's story. I've never faced something so difficult, yet at the same time so wonderful. Thanks to Xan I was able to locate and read Trish's blog, that was the difficult part. Then put Trish's own words into our book, that was the wonderful part. Now, Trish's excitement over Flippy and her journey as her FTH preadopter is recorded forever, a bittersweet accomplishment. I understand Suzie, I still have Trish as my Facebook friend and can't remove her. I remember how much Trish loved Miss Nellie. She had the Hope for Hounds logo tattooed on her shoulder with Miss Nellie's name under it. We had the plans for our first auction under way when Miss Nellie left for the bridge, Trish asked me if we could hold the auction in her name.
  2. Poor baby. I hope your vet finds the cause quickly. Soren have you done a tick panel on her? The reason I'm asking is we had done thorough tick testing on Jake before and during the time he was a blood donor. He has never left the Ottawa area since he came home at 3 yrs. A couple of years ago he started having swelling in his legs (different one each time) we tested him for all kinds of things but came up empty. The swellings, lameness, fever were coming more frequently, then in Dec he had two legs swollen at once. My vet and Dr Couto were stumped so we treated him as if he had tick disease. Since you have to know which tick disease you are looking for and since there are so many, and many more being identified all the time, we didn't re test. One month on doxy and he has been symptom free. It looks like he had a dormant tick disease that wasn't one of the ones on the typical panel.
  3. Jey I am so sorry. Zema has long been one of my GT favourites. Godspeed pretty Zema
  4. Lucy, I am so very sorry. Riley was one of my first GT crushes. I loved to see the pictures you posted of him. Know that in time it will be the little things you remember most, someday they will make you smile to remember. For now, hold those memories close to your heart and bring them out when you are ready. Godspeed handsome man
  5. Pat, I am so very, very sorry. Godspeed handsome boy.
  6. She most likely will be fine. Jet ate a few candies silver wrapper and all, he was fine. Although this is my boy who thinks vet wrap is chewing gum and waits patiently for you to put it down.
  7. What a horrible roller coaster you've been on. I will keep Manny in my prayers until you let us know he is home and running around.
  8. It can be done with a local. They freeze the area, cut the mass and a margin around it out, then stitch it closed. The one Peanut had removed from her toe was done 5 min after I got the estimate - Yep, my vet knows me and moves fast. It took more time to freeze her toe than it did to do the procedure. She was back, bandaged in less than 20 min. The only reason it took that long as my princess couldn't wakl so they took the bandage off to make sure she was okay. Turns out bandages are evil beings you know.
  9. That is exactly what Peanut had on her chest. The fill in vet thought it was a puncture wound since it pealed off and there was a hole. It healed, but she still has a smaller black growth. My regular vet will remove it as Peanut has had one hemangioma removed from her toe. The pathologist had predicted she would get more. Hemangioma's are harmless, but if left they can turn cancerous over time. Not rushing, but not taking chances either.
  10. I'm so sorry. It takes a lot of fortitude to do what you know is right. Godspeed Sterling, there's lots of pizza over the bridge.
  11. In complete agreement with Susan, Jey etc. I love harnesses as a safety tool for spooky hounds. Even then I use them in combination with a martingale. They don't give you the immediate control you need especilly in situations like this.
  12. I've used the pills and the drops for Jake and myself. I used the gel too, but he licked it off The nice part about the oral dose is if the area is large or you aren't really sure where to rub it or multiple spots, you don't have to worry about overdosing. You can do both but then use the gel sparingly since you could overdose.
  13. Beth I'm keeping you guys in my prayers. Get the best possible x-rays and send them to OSU no matter what. Having said that, it can't be anything serious I forbid it!
  14. This might help GHWP Quarterly
  15. I'm so sorry. : Godspeed Butkus
  16. Hard to believe it's been that long Nancy. I think of her often.
  17. I would contact OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program. Dr Couto is a hematologist as well as an Oncologist, the info you need to contact them is at the bottom of my siggy. All consults are free and you or your vet can contact them. Sending prayers and hugs for you both.
  18. Glad the collar and harness idea worked. I tried a coupler, but it was too clunky where the two extenders attached and that just spooked Jet more. I'll see Alisha in 2 1/2 weeks, I have an idea but it'll be much easier to show her in person. Klaus you have to stop babying the little one. She'll never be an independent big girl if you don't.
  19. Tara I'm so sorry. You and Cougar fought so hard together to beat this, it was just too difficult in the end. You both have my admiration. Godspeed Cougar I bet by now you've found your girl, make sure you and Coach watch over your Momma.
  20. Welcome home Graham! Congratulations buddy, wait until you relax a bit and really figure out where you landed. You are a very lucky young man!
  21. Happy Birthday Sweetheart! You keep fighting now you hear?
  22. First I'll see you tomorrow! Second, I feel your pain. Jet was like that when we first got him, and he still isnt' great to walk. He's kinda like a low flying kite if you know what I mean? But, we don't have to walk him if he's really bad. Since that is n't an option, I'll ask Frank if he remembers anything special we did with Jet. See you tomorrow!
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