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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Hoping you both have many more great days... This makes me smile Tara. Treasure these times.
  2. Tara, I'm so sorry. Know your decision is the rigth one for Cougar. He's fought this thing as far as he is able. Sending hugs and prayers.
  3. They are looking great! You have every right to be proud of them.
  4. There are a couple of people who may be able to offer advice. I'll try to send them this way. Hang in there, I know this is scary. Off to rally the troups.
  5. Keeping muscle strength up in the hind legs when the back is weak is tough. You can try holding each back leg up for a few min gradually increasing as he gets stronger. If that is hard on his balance, have someone hold a towel under him as a sling to keep him upright and stable. Walks, even short ones are beneficial. Massage therapy really helps too. A massage therapist can also give you suggestions on things you can try.
  6. Glad you sent the films to Dr Couto
  7. Time to get her a poop cup for her muzzle. My old girl Foxy was awful for that, nothing stopped her except her muzzle. I'd only offer something really bland like some noodles until tomorrow morning.
  8. I just sent this email to our vet to let her know how Jake is after one month of doxy. Here is the latest on our big boy. He finished the doxy yesterday, he's tolerated it really well. What we've seen since 2 1/2 weeks into it is our old boy is back! He has been out several times and played before we could catch him. Lots of hellicopter spins, he fell once and ran into the door once. No swelling at all. He is back to getting on the couch, to be honest I don't really remember when he stopped. He comes upstairs and sleeps up on the bed again. He even looks perkier. At this point I'm cautiously optimistic that it worked. Time will tell.
  9. I gave Eyebrite - euphrasia to Jake while he was recovering from an eye injury. It is in the new multivitamins for people that target specific areas of the boyd. We gave the 470mg caps twice a day.
  10. Frank was asking me about her. I'm thrilled with how well she is doing.
  11. Patti I'm so relieved that Milo is doing well. HGE is scary. Now I know your user name I'll keep my eyes open. There is beginning to be a nice sized group on here from our area.
  12. And I"ll double that :yay :yay :yay :yay Way to go Chai. So glad this is working out for both of you. I'll be picking up a hot pink muzzle for her when I'm at Sandy Paws. She will look adorable in it.
  13. They do take the whole leg for two reason, both of which have been mentioned. Stumps at the shoulder can get caught on things and also rub on the floor which can break the skin leaving them open to infection. The other is reducing the weight on the amp side helps the dogs shift their weight easier. I know from chatting informally with Dr Couto that he prefers amputation to limb saving. Recovery is quicker and easier. My personal feeling is if there is cancer in a limb I want it all gone. The chance of successfully beating it is to be aggressive. Whatevery you decide to do you have my support, let me know if there is anything I can do.
  14. Peanut is my kisser. She will give other people she know kisses but saves most of them for me. She doesn't lick my hands etc just my face. The boys give occassional kisses but not often.
  15. When you're sending emails to Dr Couto it's always a good idea to CC the main GHWP That way if Dr C's in box is full, he's busy or he's out of town someone else can answer and get things moving for you. To get the main clinic email address use the link at the bottom of my siggy.
  16. Yes, those pictures are Chai when she was visiting Saturday night. I'll have to find a good picture of Cali who belongs to GTer bluesky. Cali is a 7 month osteo survivor, she has amazigng spirit. Carolle I'm thrilled that she had a good day. Let's keep it up Chai you can do this alone thing I know you can.
  17. Look at this face! She's plotting I can tell. I love her face here. I was playing a video of Jake and Peanut playing in the snow, Jake is barking and that really got Chai's attention.
  18. I could tell by looking at her you have a stinker on your hands. She's given you very clear direction that she wants to be able to move about the house. You could try baby gating her out of where the dog food is kept. She may be content enough with her freedom to not try to break it down. I'm impressed that she got the food container open, she was obviously determined. I'm betting the poop came after the food. Charla has a good idea about the peanut butter with bits of broken cookies or kibble since she likes it so much. It takes them a long time to work the mixture out, even longer with a muzzle on. Looking forward to seeing how today's installment of Life With Chai goes. I told you Chai reminded me of Cali my friend Vicky's girl, Cali is a champion at getting into food containers.
  19. I'm sorry you and Shazam are going through this. For what my opinion is worth what you described on the x-ray doesn't sound like osteo. You are already doing exactly what I would advise, so I'll sit back and wait to see what the experts tell you. Sending hugs and prayers that this is easily treatable.
  20. Poor girl, that seems unfair to have something else wrong. Can you see the corn, it looks like a whiteish circle either raised or not. I had success giving Jake bee propolis, I know others have not. I bought capsules and threw them in his food. Corn was gone in 3 months. Sorry meant to comment on your actual question I don't know if the pad would stay on. She might try to eat it off. It makes sense though since the corn pad has a hole and that is what takes the pressure off the sore part.
  21. Sending lots of prayers and hugs. Let's think positive thoughts for an easily treatable diagnosis.
  22. Donna, I'm so sorry. I'm glad that you were able to be with your Mom at the end. Your family is in my prayers. How nice that you were able to give another family some comfort and a memory.
  23. Glad to see the good updates continuring Beth. I know this has to be horrible not having Smiley home. Seriously though I know this extra time at OSU will make a big difference when you do bring him home. I'm sad when a newly amputated hound goes home too early, it's so hard on everyone. Love the ramp Pete, you are awesome! Hang in you two, your boy will be home soon, get some rest.
  24. I'm so glad to see this, I was thinking about you two and couldn't find my contact info.
  25. Muzzle! I know, it sounds like a long time, but he can do everything he wants to do except eat inappropriate things with it on. Better that then expensive surgery or worse.
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