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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. You've been missed and hugs to you for all your losses.
  2. Tucking you and Gracie in on the nightly candle lit in ND.
  3. You're on the ND candle, of course. Hang in there!
  4. Just seeing this and putting Dude in on the ND candle--hang in there.
  5. OK, it's Friday and white light is streaming to you and Onyx and those working on her.
  6. Sending white light from ND for you all this morning.
  7. Tucking Callie and her family into the nightly ND candle.
  8. Well--of course a royal chariot would appear for a Princess--and of course a Princess' surgeon would be married to a pathologist. She's not named Princess for nothing!
  9. I'll admit my first reaction when seeing the thread title was "don't we all?". Gentle scritches to her.
  10. The phrase "the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach" comes to mind.
  11. Ouch! That hurts just to look at--sooooooo glad she could have the surgery so quickly--don't want to think about what another day would have brought. Mafi, sweetie, sleep well with your good drugs and feel better soon.
  12. It did it to me yesterday, not letting me go from a page 1 to page 2. Not sure if that's helpful information or not.
  13. Oh Marley--remember the saying "moving right along"? Time to do so, sweetie.
  14. Coming from "a thyroid person" here . . . . let's go, Goldie . . . . let it be thyroid!
  15. Were folks ever able to figure out exactly *what* was causing all his problems? Run with the wind, sweetie.
  16. OK, now we really must have a picture of Gus--you can't play with our minds that way and not post a picture. Scritches all around.
  17. Are there any pictures? I agree--2 years already?
  18. I'm putting Goldie and you on the nightly North Dakota candle. Hang in there!
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