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Everything posted by tbhounds

  1. Good for you Tanzi! Keep up the good work!
  2. Basic rule of thumb-treat the dog/clinical signs not the numbers. There are some patients that don’t read the manual ;-) Are these owners in a position to see a veterinary dermatologist??
  3. And Dodd’s -well, I’ll just say she’s not for a lack of a better word- traditional.
  4. You typically won’t see a hair coat change for about 4 months-it takes time. I never heard of waiting 8 hours post tablet before the blood draw-it’s typically 4-6 hours post. Because the draw was 6 hours post I would tend to believe that’s why you saw a little drop in the result.
  5. Timing of the blood draw is most likely the reason for the drop. Did your vet discuss that with you? Maybe this will help... “The lowest thyroid level of the day is found by taking the blood sample right before a tablet would normally be given. The highest level of the day is found by taking the blood sample 4-6 hours after it is given.”
  6. No they didn’t. Strongyle type ova is typically found in horses. I believe your dog may have been eating some outside sources aside from his food. ;-) Hookworm would have been identified as Ancylostoma caninum.
  7. I would worry as they are incident bystanders. One thing to watch for is transient diarrhea. No more eating rabbit raisinettes! :-)
  8. I’ve used a simple negative pressure device while working with some post surgical sites (dog)— we call them grenades-a simple pliable plastic bulb that can be pumped to increase pressure. They worked well. All the best.
  9. Look for Zymox-give the ear a good flushing with it.
  10. Sounds like abdominal pain. Did I miss when you mentioned abdominal radiographs? Wonder if she had excessive gas. I did see she was given an injection of buprenex (buprenorphine)—that can either wipe a greyhound out or cause excessive anxiety, panting, pacing....
  11. I agree-neuro visit is a must. Sounds like you are not giving this hound much hope without a specialist opinion. There are so many reasons to cause seizures-not all are awful. Have you checked the thyroid function?
  12. Thats a typical side effect when first starting pheno. I know there are other anticonvulsants available now but, many clinicians still prescribe pheno because its tried and true. Thats a heavy dose they have your dog on but, I can only assume they plan to reduce the dose. 64.8mg twice daily is a common dose for a dog of your size. Edited to add-did a veterinary neurologist prescribe the pheno and are you returning for recheck blood work?
  13. That's exactly the approach I would have taken. I wouldn't get aggressive before knowing the grade of the tumor. Many, many grade 2 mct's never return even with dirty margins. Once they obtain the sample not only can they grade it they can also learn of its aggressiveness. Glad everything is going well so far.
  14. Looking good! Just run a T4 from now on (6 hours post pill admin). Edited to add about the charge-Im sure the fee included a tech fee to draw the blood and the sample needs to be sent either overnight or 2 day air-that can be costly.
  15. Completely agree-rads can be limited. I would seek advanced imaging at this point.
  16. Ring your vet-if she is eating and drinking well I question if she even needs the sq fluids.
  17. Yikes-that’s a tough area to achieve clean margins. You really need a biopsy to grade the tumor before you attempt to plan future treatments-fingers crossed it’s a grade 1 or a low grade 2.
  18. I would try antihistamines before I scheduled surgery. An analglandectomy is not without complications-the biggest is fecal incontinence. Also, if you decide to move forward with surgery only one side should be performed at a time. By doing one side at a time if the nerve in that area is effected you still have the opposite side to help control anal tone.
  19. Your baby was anemic (low red cell count) but the retic count (baby red cells) was elevated-that tells me the body was trying to replace the red blood cells.
  20. Im sorry for your loss-clearly you loved your baby and losing them in such a manner is awful. Your links arent working for me either but, when looking at bloods with a dog with pancreatitis often the amylase and lipase will be elevated. Theres a very specific test that can be run-Idexx labs offer a Spec cPL® (canine pancreas-specifc lipase), however I am unaware if it or something similar is available in France. Your hound may have a a low grade chronic case of pancreatitis that was on the brink of having an acute flair. Edited to add-was able to open the latest link-very concerning that your dog was anemic yet regenerating -may be had a bleed.
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