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Everything posted by msjpk

  1. Any suggestions on how to post video from phone?
  2. Hard swallowing, then the hack and projectile vomit. sorry
  3. I had his stool tested, no parasites, Yesterday he hacked, with no vomit, today different story. I have changed his food to sensitive, and give him Zantac .75. I give him chop meat with rice and kibble, small meals. I will talk to vet tomorrow, don't know if she wants to see 2nd video I took, very, very vomit graphic!!!!
  4. Damm, spoke to soon, Plummer was sleeping, got up, hacked and vomited probably what he ate all day. UGH. My poor ole man.
  5. There is a lot I suspect, but today, no hacking and I am taking one day at a time. Bluecrab could you tell me what meds your pupper is on for CHF? How was CHF diagnosed, what tests were performed?
  6. Video is terrible but you can hear Plummer hack. Originally, I thought he has tummy issues, he still might. He started to vomit a couple of weeks ago and I changed his food to Sensitive stomach. Took him to vet on Monday and planned to continue on sensitive food and Zantac .75 2x a day. However, last night he did not vomit but hacked. He hacks maybe 1x or 2x a day. I am forwarding video to Vet tomorrow. I posted here as we have such wise and informative people. I will mention Plummer will be 13 in June. Any ideas, has anyone experienced this with their grey?
  7. Please explain the symptoms of LP and how was it diagnosed?
  8. Plummer vomited big time this AM. I am going to return the Nutro sensitive stomach and try another. Does anyone have any suggestions re: sensitive stomach kibble? The only other one I saw at the pet store is Science Diet.
  9. Don't beat yourself up, we are here for you.
  10. Just got back from Vet with Plummer. He has lost weight, that's a given but as the Vet put it "without going crazy trying to find out why he is vomiting" lets try Sensitive stomach kibble, which I started on yesterday, Nutro, feed several small meals, one with a Zantac .75 at bedtime meal. Bedtime meal because Plummer usually vomits during the night. Baby steps first, which I am fine with. Wish us luck.
  11. Plummer, my almost 13 year old, has been vomiting. Started a couple of weeks ago, but I changed his food, gave him chop meat and rice and it seemed to be controlled. But these past 2 days he vomited 1x a day of food that is undigested. We will be going to vet tomorrow where I want her to give us a cure pill, no testing, and all will be well. Is that to much to ask for for a almost 13 year old??? Keep your paws crossed.
  12. Totally agree with caution of going to a dog park. Time will come but not now, start with recall training, walking on a leash, baby steps. I know it is exciting to have your new pupper but as exciting as it is, it can get scary when both owner and pupper are not sure of the rules. I am a seasoned grey owner and I don't take them to a dog park as I cannot trust the other dogs, Your pupper would be happy just taking a walk right now, getting to know you and making you a proud mama. Keep us posted, you get great suggestions and support in this forum.
  13. Plummer my almost 13 year old has been vomiting frequently. I started to give him Pepcid in his breakfast and dinner. I also give him smaller meals of kibble with chop meat and rice. It seems that when his tummy is empty he throws up. Thankfully, his frequent vomiting has calmed down. The kibble I feed him is Iam's sensitive. Good luck.
  14. I use to carry a spray bottle with citronella and water. I have been lax. With the nicer weather and more walks I will make sure I am carrying it.
  15. We all fear this, praying all will be well soon.
  16. Paws crossed that your baby and you remain strong and get healthy.
  17. Same problem here with my almost 13 year old, Plummer. I feed him smaller meals more often and less kibble and more chop meat and rice. It has seemed to work. He was vomiting on a daily bases, losing weight. Since I changed his diet, no vomiting for 2 weeks, he has put on weight. That's all I ask. I have also added Ensure, Vanilla, to his meals. His coat has become so soft and dandruff almost gone.. The kibble I give him is Iams Sensitive. Good luck.
  18. I was giving him one for breakfast and one with dinner. I stopped as soon as I saw the improvement. I used any store brand acid reducer. IMAS has the sensitive Naturals dog food. I give him that but more chop meat then kibble. (for now)
  19. I give my dog the OTC acid reducer wrapped in a soft goodie with his food. It seems to relieve his throwing up. I also added more protein to his food, chop meat. It has seemed to help. I am also feeding him less more times a day. Good luck.
  20. Hi from Rockaway, NJ. What area are you from? Your pupper is just breath taking!!!!
  21. A couple of years after I got Lou, he started showing signs of really not liking a certain neighbor. I unfortunately thought this would pass. When this neighbor walked in the neighborhood I thought that walking with her would take the fear out of Lou. We walked together for a little while and then all of a sudden Lou sprung up and bite her. SHOCK!!!! Long story but everything worked out, we are still friends, I paid for her bills, Lou was quarantined for a couple of days. Lou never showed any aggression towards anyone. I blamed myself for not picking up on his signals. I truly believe he felt some "bad" in this person. Have never been able to explain it. To this day we do not cross paths with the neighbor as Lou still barks at her. So a yes for me.
  22. Does any one have a good policy for senior dogs? I am interested in emergencies only and if available dental. thanks
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