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Everything posted by msjpk

  1. Where did you adopt him from? Reach out to the group and I am sure they have someone who will help you with this. Sounds like he is challenging male. When you say he grab arm, was it for a bite or something else? Nothing in life is free training is the way to go and husband should be doing it also. Good luck and keep us posted.
  2. Have you done alone training? Can you have someone come in to check on him during the day and have him walked? Is there something different in the crate? I would continue to keep the crate available when you are home with the door open, do alone training. Do you have a radio on? Maybe alone training with a gate in kitchen or another room? As far as the poop and pee, how long is he alone? I know it is so hard to go to work and worry about your pupper. Good luck and keep us posted.
  3. When adopting any dog your cues, your training, your time is essential. That is what you sign up when adopting a animal into the family. And family it is. I would first start with the socialization of your pupper to be around you, not isolated from the family. I understand your concern for the accidents and they should be delt with as the dog really does not have the hang of it yet. Daily, hourly he should be watched at at the first sign of pacing, circling or his leg, squatting, put his leash on and lead him outside. You must put the time in to get results and his trust. I don't think he has a SA situation when you are home, he just wants to be a part of the family. Before working around the house, take him for a long walk and get rid of some energy, place his bed where he can see you, keep a eye on him for any accidents and do what you want, he will soon realize with repetition that life is easy. Good luck and keep us posted.
  4. 2 weeks, she is just getting use to our world. Continue to provide her with a calm, warm atmosphere pretty soon you will be wondering why you let her on the furniture!!!
  5. So sorry you have to go through this. Hope all things turn out well.
  6. When I adopted I personally, to help my own nervousness, adopted on a long weekend and took an extra day off. Just so my apprehensions would not transfer to my greys. As far as crating, I had one who was fostered and use to his crate, then we went to baby gated in kitchen, and then to run of house with no problems. I close bedroom doors so area in house becomes more secure for them. Alone training is essential for them and you no matter if you are home or not. Start leaving the house with your regular routine, then return, leave again a little longer. I put the radio on just before I leave and they know I am leaving and will return. You can give them peanut butter filled kongs, but with 2 make sure there is no fighting for the kong. I would each give them a kong when I am home and see how they react. Stick to this board and ask the group and/or foster parents all the questions, you and your puppers will do fine. Good luck, mandatory for pictures on this board LOL
  7. My soon to be 13 year old (in June) has been throwing up and its when his stomach is empty. He has been hungry more often and I feed him small meals throughout the day and have been giving him Pepcid. I have made up my mind and no heroics, no invasive testing. He is not loosing weight. Just one hack and he throws up, no heaving. Has anyone had experience with this. Of course a vet visit is in the near future. thanks
  8. I would start the training in a controlled setting like home or back yard. Make it a game, exciting treat to an excited voice. Watch me, Watch me, good girl. Also, when another dog is approaching and you see the signs of she is going to growl, start watch me, you do not give her the treat until the situation is settled. Also, make sure treat is really a desirable that the doggy really, really, likes.
  9. I have this with Lou and I find he starts to bark when he thinks the dogs are to close. However, all parties should try the "watch me' approach. You involves having a treat and before he reacts to another dog, you give commend of "watch me" with the treat in front of his nose and him looking at your face. The idea is to re-direct his energy. You can start the training in the yard or in the house and then apply when walking on leash. They usually catch on fast. You will get other tips and this is the place to read for great info. Good luck and keep us posted.
  10. Needs some pain meds, and steroids to start some healing. Neck pain is horrible for them. It may happen again so keep the meds on hand.
  11. I have one also who is afraid of strange noises. He has gotten better, I don't make a big deal but I do say to him "its ok". He now knows to look at me to reassure him that nothing bad will happen. Your pupper needs more time to adjust to all these noises that he is not use to.
  12. Please take him to another vet for a 2nd opinion. Something is going on and he is in pain.
  13. A wonderful tribute for your boy. He is smiling from the bridge and is giving you strength.
  14. Sounds like everyone is a bit nervous and this is a high time for her getting away. Can you live windows open so these noises become an everyday thing? Do you have a backyard you can practice the leash? Harness is a must now until you both get to know each other. She needs your lead and a calming voice when she hears and sees new things. "its ok" and a pet. One day at a time. Talking to her is calming for her. I would take her out in controlled surroundings to be safe, front yard, backyard and introduce her to the big world. Baby steps before the big steps. Everyday do the same thing. All takes time. Good luck and we are here to help.
  15. So sorry u r going through this. Please read posts on Henry's seizures and maybe that can help or you can get a second opinion.
  16. Good luck. You can make the house smaller, by shutting bedroom doors, baby gates, etc. just for some security. Let us know how it goes.
  17. How about calling your group and getting some input from them? Hopefully everyone will settle down soon. Good luck and keep us posted.
  18. Your welcome. I can tell you what really, really works is another Grey!!!!
  19. Goal is to set a pattern of leaving the home without making a big deal. Repetition, repetition, repetition. For example: get dressed, but your coat on, grab your keys, put on radio, leave house. When you are starting your training, leave for 5 minutes. Come back in, take off coat, etc. Hang out for a while. Start process again. I would recommend a weekend when you are home and do it for 2 days. Repeat again leaving for 10 minutes, come in house, stay awhile. Repeat again, leave for 20 minutes. I found that confusing the heck out of these guys really helps. After awhile they will look at you with stink eye as to why you are disturbing their sleep. When you do come in house, make it no big deal. You might have to do this for longer than weekend but with consistency it works. I remember my neighbors looking at me like I was crazy, in out, in out!!! I closed doors to bedrooms to make the house a little smaller and more sense of security for the doggies. Good luck and keep us posted.
  20. So glad all worked out. I've had that happen also, no explanation, it just happened. I realized how important recall is, it worked!!!!
  21. I loved to read the antics of Ms. Jilly Bean, she was the bomb. RIP Jilly. I am so sorry for you and your family.
  22. The first night, 7 years ago, when we brought Lou home he experienced the same symptoms. Off to the evet, and a shot of predesone. To make a long story short, Lou has a neck injury that when it flares, I give him Dexamethsone(SP?) which I keep in the house and muscle relaxer. Its just something he lives with. He is 11 now and because he is not running so often, the pain is few and far between. I take him to chiropractor once a month for maintenance. We did not due the MRI route but we did to xrays. Harness vs. collar is suggested. When it flares up, rest, no stairs, the pain does subside with time. I keep a loose collar for his identification and remove harness after each walk. Good luck and keep us posted.
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