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Everything posted by msjpk

  1. Walmart sells Liver Flavor dog treats. It comes in what looks like a pint size container of milk. They are 1.00 a box. I split the treat and mold the pill into the treat and add in their food. Seems to do the trick. Keep container closed as they can dry out. Good luck.
  2. Glad things worked out. You are a good Mom, your pupper is in good hands.
  3. Plummer will be 13 in June. He loses weight, and is weak going up the stairs and also was throwing up several times a week. I started to give him Ensure in his food, acid reducer, and he is gaining weight again. He is so full of life and I am just going with the flow with him. So hard to see them get to this state.
  4. Oh, I am sorry but hopefully with some meds and maybe chiro he will get through this. Keep us posted.
  5. oh, please keep us posted and know we are all with you.
  6. My Plummer's ribs are visible also. A little to skinny for my taste. I feed him when he wants and include a shot of Ensure with his food. He is almost 13 so he gets what he wants, when he wants it!!!
  7. So true about the time table. Short spurts, as opposed to long. During the day when he least expects it click, treat, click treat. Let us know how it goes.
  8. I basically started by clicking, giving a treat. Clicking, giving a treat. After a while, the clicking generated eye contact and that's when I give the treat. My reason for the training was to get Lou's attention when on leash and another dog was approaching. We now do the watch me commend, both worked.
  9. We are with you and whatever the outcome you are a good mom. Please keep us posted and prayer for nothing but the best.
  10. So sorry for you both. Thanks for loving them so much.
  11. Glad things are getting better. Try your timing and get her to "Watch me" before the fixation starts The best is to walk on her side a head of her and get her attention and continue to walk with the watch me commend and hold onto that treat until the situation is calmer. Treat should be of high value, in other words she would do anything for that treat.
  12. :beatheart :beatheart he is just dazeling.
  13. Very frustrating, you have been working hard to try and fix this. Hopefully being confined to an area will have him settle down. Is there someone who can walk him while you are at work? Good luck and keep us posted.
  14. msjpk

    Keystone Triumph

    So sorry, she looks just like my Plummer who will be 13 this year. You loved her very much and she knew it. Take care of yourself.
  15. I purchased Ensure tonight and starting to give to Plummer. Fingers crossed.
  16. Very recently this board has been dealing with SA with a lot of newbies. Please follow the posts as a lot of ideas will be helpful to you. Sounds like your pupper has failed the crate and getting back in it is nearly impossible. Alone training is the key. Routine of when you are leaving the house is first. Coat, keys, frozen kong with PB or whatever he likes. Put radio on. Leave the house for 5 minutes, come back in. Take off your coat, put down your keys, etc. 10 minutes later, do the same. Leave for 10 minutes. 20 minutes later same, leave for 20 minutes. Your goal is to teach him that you are always coming back. It takes repetition, repetition. You need to dedicate a full weekend to do this. Also, can you have someone come over and walk him when you are at work? I personally make the house smaller when they are allowed freedom in the house. Close bedroom, bathroom doors, baby gate other rooms, it gives them a sense of security. Is the dog getting a walk before you leave for the day, they need to burn off some energy. Please read other forums and you both can overcome and be happy. I know its frustrating, many of us have been there but there is usually a light at the end of the tunnel. The Prozac is it working? If not I would consult with vet and start taking him off.
  17. Sounds like a new beginning. Just be consistent with your training. Keep us posted.
  18. My 12 year old, Plummer looks like she is losing weight also. I guess a senior thing!! But I am adding protein to his food which is Iam's natural. This morning I added a hard boiled egg and sometimes I will add chicken. I feed him whenever he shows interest in being hungrey. He is not on a feeding schedule. I also read that someone was including Ensure in meals. Good luck and keep us posted.
  19. Hope all will be settled, keep us updated and good luck.
  20. Sounds like a whole bunch of stress to me right now. Everyone take a deep breath. Has he had the run of the house, with bedroom and bathroom doors closed? The smaller the area the more secure they can feel. Back to mega alone training, with repitition, repitition. Is it possible to take a day or 2 off from work and work on the above. Have you tried a dap diffuser or rescue remedy drops. I personally had no luck with dap but rescue remedy does work on my pupper for storms. It is very stressful for you and the dog when going through this. Don't feel like a failure, it will all make sense with more time. Just a FYI, my Lou didn't have a crate when we got him and he stayed in kitchen with a gate for the longest time and one day he decided, no more kitchen for me. I insisted that he go in kitchen and I came home to my countertops being chewed up. One good thing came of that, I got a new kitchen!!! Lou was given the privilage of the house and no problem from him at all. Can you get someone to check on him while you are at work? Are you taking him for a walk before you go to out? Keep us posted and I promise you will get great ideas here and good results.
  21. So, so sorry for your loss. You gave a beautiful tribute to your girl. Remain strong and know she had the best life thanks to you.
  22. If their is hesitation, fright, etc. from you guys- off to training for all of you. It really does work. Just research their training methods and ask if they have trained greyhounds before.
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