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Everything posted by msjpk

  1. I believe my doggies are getting bored with the Kirkland brand food. Any suggestions as to a food that is compatible in price and goodness? I even add real chicken in food and they aren't thrilled. thanks
  2. Beautiful babies, I have TK Lumiere here, are they related?
  3. I am in Rockaway, NJ- hi neighbor
  4. My first thought is Cushings Disease. Usually, skin becomes very thin, losing control of urine, walking in circles, not knowing where they are. I had a collie who had Cushings and in its later stages experiences seizures. I would insist on blood tests, Cushings can be controlled when caught early- good luck and keep us posted.
  5. I lost my sister 2 years ago, no words can express how sorry I am-remember the good times and know she is now pain and disease free.
  6. yep, neck, rest and usually a steroid from vet will take care of it- but rest, no running until vet visit. I could go away as quickly as it came- just keep an eye on it.
  7. OK,it sounding to me that in her head, its feeding/peeing time early in AM. During the day do you let her out and when she comes in she gets a reward like a cookie? My Plummer will pace if I forget to give her her cookie after she pees in yard. Could it be your pupper is waiting for some kind of ritual that is missing early AM. These guys are so ritual orientated that it could upset them. She does have to pee when she whines so I would not ignore or she will think it is perfectly acceptable to pee/poop in house. Afterthought, maybe she is just prepping you for the early AM feedings when the baby arrives Hope we can meet - Joan, Forked River
  8. How old is your grey? I have seniors and they do sometimes need to go out at 2am- you just go with it. My Lou in the past would wake me up whining and wanting to eat-I soon figured out that the food he was on was not holding him. I have since changed to Costco brand food and there has not been a problem. I do give them a 7:00pm hand ful of food and then out to potty Hope you can work out the problem.
  9. I am retired and Lou wakes me up every morning at 5:30 whining, as if to say "you are suppose to be up and going". He goes back to sleep in his comfy bed and I am here typing at 7:00 am
  10. Hi and welcome to a site that is beyond knowledge about almost anything!! It is greyt that you are asking the correct questions. I realize that you will be very busy with your career goals. How about volunteering and finding out about the best breed on earth and then maybe fostering? Don't want you and your new best friend to be anxious. Good luck and keep us posted.
  11. Haven't experienced that, but I have one that sometimes throws bile in morning and I give a Pepcid. I would take to vet to get checked. Good luck
  12. I would soak his toes in a combination of epson salt and a little Bernadene. I get a old tubberware and make a solution and place his toes in. Dry and put antibacterial on and place sock over with some tape. I do this for my grey who has some toe issues. As long as he is clean, he should be fine.
  13. He will get to know the routine of the pee break after a few times. Glad things are going better.
  14. You are very dedicated to him and Kudos to you for that. Love to hear the updates of progress!
  15. I give mine 1 Pepsid when I hear those gurling sounds and it does the trick. Keep us posted
  16. I'm sorry, I can't get passed the sentence: "the vet thinks it is psychological" ** is he talking about?? With that being said I would run not walk with the results to another Vet and try to get in touch with Dr. Couto. Good luck and keep us posted. My collie had Cushings and the description is what is was. However, she did develop seizures.
  17. Has anyone mentioned a rule out of Cushings disease?
  18. Can we say Terror!!!! So cute
  19. My first thought is that he might be in pain. I would take him to vet and rule that out. Others could chime in about the pack order. Good luck!!!
  20. Try to video if it happens again, but I would take her to E-VET-
  21. Can you Video the growling? I am sure this would help the Vet and also, you might see something that is explainable. Good Luck and keep up posted.
  22. I just combed Plummer and I can make a sweater out of the hair I just collected. Anybody out there seeing the same?
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