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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. When I home cooked for Jodie, I added sterlized bone meal, about 1t per feeding. You can wash egg shells and crush them and let them eat them in the food.
  2. I am not a fan of fat balls--no way I would use them. The stress on the pancreas could be too much. Have you given him anything for his stomach? Could be eating has thrown him for a loop. I don't like to interfere with acid production unless necessary. Actually, carafate is the best thing. I'd go with frozen BilJac. If needed, you can mix canned in with it or boiled turkey or boiled hamburger
  3. Prepare for a long, long 3 weeks Keep her away from neutered males also. They can breed and tie, just shoot blanks. Hopefully she will have an easy heat. Keep track of the color--should be red, then go slightly clear, then back to red. Vulva will swell and get pretty big. Some have temperment changes, some don't. Some get lovey dovey, some get bitchy. She should appear normal in health issues.
  4. Sending prayers! Get a specialist to read the xrays and consult with Dr. Couto before you do a biopsy!
  5. October 30, 2007 I asked Glynis if Winslow was watching the auction.....
  6. The first thing that popped into my head was, "do not make her barf" I think she will be fine. See what the vet says when they open.
  7. The only thing I do with eyes is wash in saline--has to be pure (not contact lens solution, etc. no preservatives)
  8. I have fed it on occassion with no problems. If you buy prepared, get some with bone and some without. There are some good threads on the board about feeding raw. It's something you should research extensively before starting
  9. Do a tick panel As long as he goes outside to pee, I wouldn't worry about the drinking--yet.
  10. Have you ever given him doxy just because? Tested for babesia? Sending prayers.
  11. Any treats or supplements? Try switching to the Mmellenia and see if it helps or Eagle Pack -- different protein source than lamb. Sounds like a food allergy. Although you are reluctant to get him a shot, I might do it if he is so miserable (I have allergies and it's no fun).
  12. October 29, 2007 Winslow's out on the deck again this morning. 38 degrees and he's stretched out sleeping on his bed as if it's the Bahamas. I went to put his jacket on him this morning. He wouldn't go out. I took it off.. out he went. I can see we will have a big difference of opinion regarding the thermostat this winter. It's 62 in my house, windows open and I sit here in hat and sweats, chugging coffee, watching Winslow who is absolutely comfortable out there. I know he's ok. I can see his breath! I keep checking his ears. Back when he used to get cold, I could feel his ears and feet. If they were cool, I put a blanket on him, which he loved. Now, even when it's cold, his ears and feet are warm, so I'm guessing he really isn't cold and being comfortable at 40 degrees is probably better for him than being hot at 70 degrees. What do you think? I also thought he would get over this after the chemo. We may have to move to the arctic. I may have to figure out how to remake his coats into pajamas for me. HA-CHOO! They money we save on heating bills should be enough to cover his check ups. Glynis
  13. Not sure why it has to be eye drops? Tablets obviously cheaper. Sorry==getting into this late. Checked Costco site and generic for 30-60-100 pricing: DESMOPRESSIN ACET 0.2 MG TAB(BRR) Generic Alternative $57.79 $92.03 $173.91 Sending prayers!
  14. I am glad Chevy is doing well!!! Years ago people had a Dobe that went through gastric issues for 6 months, then died. He had a tennis ball in his stomach.....I have never forgotten and one of the reasons I encourage people to go to the vet!
  15. October 28, 2007 Good Morning Diane, How's everything at Casa Burpe? I hope your gang is doing well and Tootsie is feeling better. Maybe the cooler weather will do her good... It is cooler in Texas, right? The auction seems to be going well.. at least my painting is as much as Winslow's... for now. It's pretty funny... being upstaged by Winslow! All my artist friends are cracking up! It's been suggested that I quit painting and become his agent! It's all in good fun and we are really proud to have him donate something that is getting attention. Here in VA, the weather is cooler, much to Winslow's delight. It's about 50 degrees this morning. Mr. Hotflash pranced around the neighborhood like he owned the place. I'm glad he's feeling so good. Summer was miserable for him. He did the whole 'pee and dig' routine for the rotweiler girls up the street, in spite of the many times I have told him NOT TO TEASE THEM. Fortunately their people understand and maintain control of them. During the week when the people are at work, Winslow loves to walk by their house, get them all riled up and then pee in their territory. He slyly looks back over his shoulder, laughing as they throw themselves against the kitchen window in a scratching, slobbering, and barking frenzy. I know if they ever get out alone, we could have a real problem. Once we returned home, Winslow was ready for us to have coffee on the deck. A little chilly for that, but no.... Mr. Hotty wanted his bed on the deck. We stayed in the warm kitchen while Winslow basked in the shade and breezes on the deck. He's still out there, as I sit inside watching him and writing this. He stands up now and then, whines at me to join him, then just flops down again. He is so loving this colder weather! Inside, it's slightly warmer, but windows are open and fanny continues to whirr along, as if it's still summer. Craig and I are wearing jackets and sleeping in sweats. I fully expect us to freeze to death this winter while Winslow is roaching naked in the brisk night air. None of the vets have been able to give me a reason for his increased sensitivity to heat or for the extra fur which has stopped shedding again and is now really soft and fluffy. I believe the heat is an after effect of the chemo. The extra fur? Of course it plays a part in the heat problem, but why he grew it? Who knows? We are just happy to see Winslow happy, healthy and finally cooling off. Gotta go... I know those sleeping bags are around here, somewhere. I'm gonna need them. Glynis
  16. I p.m.'d the people I know will know so they can tell you!
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