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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Internal Specialist and a TLI (which is the test for pancreatic insuffiency). However, the blood in the stool is not good. I doubt that is coming from an insufficiency (but, anything is possible). TBD panel--has one been done?
  2. Sending prayers. Did you see the picture of the skin in the link I sent you on RMSF? I wonder if upping the atbs to the higher dose will help. Also hoping the Transfer Factor kicks in.
  3. Sending prayers. When Tootsie had her vestibular incident, my one vet said it looked just like a reaction to flagyl. Hopefully, Princess will be just fine once the drug gets out of her system.
  4. What was the dose she was getting? Sending more prayers.
  5. What a handsome boy! Sending my sympathy to all
  6. Posted in the other thread Want to make sure Winslow's message is delivered! Hey Carrier, First, leave the grass alone. Your people will get upset if you keep vomiting. You need to keep down whatever you can, so cut the cow act. Now is the best time for you to get table food. Your people will be so happy to have you eat that they will feed you anything! Try some eggs, boiled chicken, ground turkey, and whatever they are eating. You now have carte blanche at the food bowl, buddy, ENJOY! Have you ever had a Burpdog Biscuit? They are heavenly! When you are done with the chemo, you will probably have different food.. I do and I love the new stuff. Make sure you try everything. Trust me, your people will keep trying until they make you happy. If you want to know what I'm eating, it's in my diary, but I didn't get a lot of supplements until after my chemo. My mom believes that anti oxidants aren't good with chemo. During my chemo, I got anything I wanted and I was picky! Those barf pills you have are really good. I took one an hour before eating, the food stayed down a lot better. I took them for about 5 days after each chemo. I never puked. Laser treatments and massage helped me a lot after my amp. A lot of people say acupuncture does too, but I never tried it. Remember to get some exercise, but don't overdo it. You need plenty of sleep, too... (you are still a greyhound). It's a long road, buddy, but you're gonna be just fine. Some things will be different, but we're adaptable, strong, brave AND SPOILED. Next time you're in Ohio, give Dr. Couto a big wet nose from me! Butt sniffs, Winslow
  7. November 16, 2007 Good morning Diane, Winslow is on the deck, enjoying the 30 mph winds. He doesn't understand why I don't want to sit outside with him. So, I sit just inside the door while he has his bed outside. We can see each other and I can stay warm while he enjoys "the big outdoor fanny". Craig came home last night, so there will be no web surfing for Winslow today. Although he enjoyed it, I don't want him to become an internet junkie. He did enjoy hearing about the other hounds, helping Brody and making his moves on Cricket. I was reading Carrier's story to Winslow. We both noticed that he is having some of the same chemo issues as Winslow. The metal bowl, for instance. Winslow still cannot eat from a metal bowl. He hates the way it tastes. Also, during chemo, his food tastes changed almost daily. His regular food gave him diahrrea. Stuff he would eat one day, he wouldn't touch the next. Winslow also has to have smaller meals more often. This started during the chemo and continues now. He has a message for Carrier about food, chemo and recovery: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Carrier, First, leave the grass alone. Your people will get upset if you keep vomiting. You need to keep down whatever you can, so cut the cow act. Now is the best time for you to get table food. Your people will be so happy to have you eat that they will feed you anything! Try some eggs, boiled chicken, ground turkey, and whatever they are eating. You now have carte blanche at the food bowl, buddy, ENJOY! Have you ever had a Burpdog Biscuit? They are heavenly! When you are done with the chemo, you will probably have different food.. I do and I love the new stuff. Make sure you try everything. Trust me, your people will keep trying until they make you happy. If you want to know what I'm eating, it's in my diary, but I didn't get a lot of supplements until after my chemo. My mom believes that anti oxidants aren't good with chemo. During my chemo, I got anything I wanted and I was picky! Those barf pills you have are really good. I took one an hour before eating, the food stayed down a lot better. I took them for about 5 days after each chemo. I never puked. Laser treatments and massage helped me a lot after my amp. A lot of people say acupuncture does too, but I never tried it. Remember to get some exercise, but don't overdo it. You need plenty of sleep, too... (you are still a greyhound). It's a long road, buddy, but you're gonna be just fine. Some things will be different, but we're adaptable, strong, brave AND SPOILED. Next time you're in Ohio, give Dr. Couto a big wet nose from me! Butt sniffs, Winslow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm off to work. I've had a week of camels, girlfriends, and now he's giving advice. WHAT NEXT? Glynis
  8. Hey Carrier, First, leave the grass alone. Your people will get upset if you keep vomiting. You need to keep down whatever you can, so cut the cow act. Now is the best time for you to get table food. Your people will be so happy to have you eat that they will feed you anything! Try some eggs, boiled chicken, ground turkey, and whatever they are eating. You now have carte blanche at the food bowl, buddy, ENJOY! Have you ever had a Burpdog Biscuit? They are heavenly! When you are done with the chemo, you will probably have different food.. I do and I love the new stuff. Make sure you try everything. Trust me, your people will keep trying until they make you happy. If you want to know what I'm eating, it's in my diary, but I didn't get a lot of supplements until after my chemo. My mom believes that anti oxidants aren't good with chemo. During my chemo, I got anything I wanted and I was picky! Those barf pills you have are really good. I took one an hour before eating, the food stayed down a lot better. I took them for about 5 days after each chemo. I never puked. Laser treatments and massage helped me a lot after my amp. A lot of people say acupuncture does too, but I never tried it. Remember to get some exercise, but don't overdo it. You need plenty of sleep, too... (you are still a greyhound). It's a long road, buddy, but you're gonna be just fine. Some things will be different, but we're adaptable, strong, brave AND SPOILED. Next time you're in Ohio, give Dr. Couto a big wet nose from me! Butt sniffs, Winslow
  9. November 15, 2007 Hi Diane, I think Winslow is in love. He says Cricket is a real cutie! He says she's a real 'pin up girl' in that life jacket! Says she looks real pretty in that blue necklace.. Wants to know if she wants to go out for a swim sometime?... Also says 'Howdy' to his nephew, Aero. (Trying to get points any way he can!-- next he'll be sending flowers and candy) Gotta go... I see the "Burpdog Holiday" screen coming up on the laptop. Hope he doesn't have my credit card. "No Winslow, Daddy does NOT eat Burpdog Biscuits.." Yikes.
  10. Hi Diane, I think Winslow is in love. He says Cricket is a real cutie! He says she's a real 'pin up girl' in that life jacket! Says she looks real pretty in that blue necklace.. Wants to know if she wants to go out for a swim sometime?... Also says 'Howdy' to his nephew, Aero. (Trying to get points any way he can!-- next he'll be sending flowers and candy) Gotta go... I see the "Burpdog Holiday" screen coming up on the laptop. Hope he doesn't have my credit card. "No Winslow, Daddy does NOT eat Burpdog Biscuits.." Yikes.
  11. I am sure Winslow will be smitten! Go Cricket!
  12. From the Greyhound Angel Network Good on the weight gain! Keep feeding that BilJac Winslow sent two coats!
  13. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  14. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy What a pretty girl!
  15. Tramadol should be fine for him. How is he? How much did he lose?
  16. November 14, 2007 Hi Diane, What a day! Winslow made a new friend today at the pool! Not a horse and not those yappy little Jack Russell boys that leave such a mess behind...No, Winslow's new friend is A CAMEL. Yes, a real live camel! I took him for his swim this morning. He went right in as usual, swimming one lap and then having to go out the back door for a quick pee. He got outside and spied something down the hill... His ears went up and he just stood there. It was laying down, but looking up at us. Sure enough... it was a camel. Winslow couldn't take his eyes off of it. He really wanted to go down there and investigate. Otherwise, the swim went as planned, except that he kept going for that back door. He did 11 double laps and his weight is good . We finished the swim and I put Winslow in the car. I went back to ask Roger about the camel. Turns out, this camel is paralyzed. He is about a year old and is somebody's beloved pet. He got some kind of a parasite that comes from white tailed deer... It affected his nervous system and paralyzed him. They got rid of the parasite, but the camel is still paralyzed. ROGER HAS BEEN GIVING THIS CAMEL SWIM THERAPY. He's been with Roger for nearly 2 weeks and is now standing again but still can't walk. They lift him with a sling and take him to the horse pool. It's working! Roger goes in the water with him and works his muscles. Roger took me down to meet him. This camel is a very gentle and sweet creature and he has a lot to say. I got to pet him so I could take his smell back to Winslow in the car. We didn't want to scare him, so I didn't bring Winslow down to meet him. When we were leaving, that camel started talking. I opened the window for Winslow to hear it. He was really excited. Winslow has seen goats and horses but never a camel. When the camel is feeling a little better, maybe I will be able to take him for a closer look. Won't it be just my luck that Winslow will be best friends with the camel. I can see it now... play dates and swims with his best buddy, Indy, the camel. Next Winslow will be wanting to take toys and treats for him and inviting him to spend the weekend. Craig called after we got home. Winslow was so glad to hear from him. Winslow helped me pack the coats for Brody. He told me to send all of them, but I only sent 2. I put a bunch of new pillows on the bed and Winslow has a new position. The 'half roach'. Propped up on the pillows with the hind leg in the air and head dangling off the bed. He's worn out. Probably dreaming about the camel. Glynis
  17. November 13, 2007 Hi Diane, Winslow and I were lurking around on Greytalk today. Craig is in Delaware and the boy is missing his dad (although Craig called him twice today already). I was reading the story about Brody to Winslow. We are worried about his situation and wonder if he still needs a coat. Winslow, aka Hot Dog says he would be happy to donate one of his coats for Brody. They are nothing too special, medium weight polar fleece. Soft on the skin and warm. Easy to put on and off. (I made them). Obviously Winslow is still not wearing a coat this winter. I have one from a couple of years ago that is kind of small for him. From the looks of it, the poor guy could use more than one... I imagine that kind of skin problem will require more laundry. Anyway, Winslow would like to help. I'm off to buy more bananas and some kind of cleaner for my laptop screen and keys. Banana is our latest "sharing" food. Eggs in the morning, banana in the afternoon. I've told him a hundred times... "Keep your snooty off the computer when you have banana in your mouth." You should see this keyboard and screen! Yuk. Glynis
  18. I also have a special combined with brandy b that has a necklace or earmuffs. P.m. me!
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