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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Since you are asking, to me that means she needs to be seen When in doubt--go to the vet!
  2. Actually a combination works best as the acupuncture holds the adjustment. Do you have a vet that can come to the house? If you email me, I'll try & find someone close to you Burpdog@msn.com btw -- my chiropractic vet and acupuncture vets work on a lot of dogs that have had surgery and it didn't hold or work well.
  3. It's good to do something--at least it will make you feel better Blood work is a good place to start. I recommend a full thyroid panel and a tick panel as a low thyroid and a TBD can cause seizures. Did you do anything Friday or Saturday like give heart worm meds or treat for fleas/ticks?
  4. It happened after the post office and before Rosemary's flu shot and I'm pleased to say it happened outside
  5. With eyes if it doesn't clear up in a day, I go to the vet
  6. I posted Winslow's regimen in his diary
  7. In answer to my question about exactly what does Winslow eat: Hi Diane, This diet is something I made up by doing my own research and figured it would be best for Winslow. So far, so good. 5:00 AM- 1-100 mg. Artemisinin from HOLLEY PHARMACEUTICALS ONLY. (recommended by Dr. Couto) I give it with 1/2 cup yogurt. I just put the pill down his throat. They taste terrible so I never open the capsule or try to get Winslow to eat it. 7:30 AM- 1can 95%beef (sometimes 95% rabbit) EVO. 1/2 can chicken and turkey EVO. These are no grain lo carb. The chicken and turkey has veg in it as well. (I know, there's no proof that carbs feed osteosarcoma, but I'm not taking any chances. The DRY EVO GIVES WINSLOW THE BIG D) To this, I add 1/2 scoop TRANSFER FACTOR (I heard about this from Sam Call, and my regular vet also said do it.) 5 big fish oil capsules (Nature Made 1200 mg.) 1- 175 mg. Milk Thistle (Winslow had some liver damage when he took RIMADYL- his liver is normal now, but I keep him on the Milk Thistle anyway.) 1 Super Joint Enhancer from 1800Petmeds-( He has a little arthritis- this pill is the same as COSEQUIN-it's glucosamine). Late morning- 1 egg- COOKED. NEVER EVER RAW. 12 NOON- 1 JUMBO GREENIE (tooth cleaner, he eats all canned food) and 1 BURPDOG BISCUIT (I really think the biscuit is beneficial and Winslow loves them). 5:00 PM-- 1 can of 95% Beef, 1/2 can of chicken and turkey. 1 FULL SCOOP of Transfer Factor, 2- 50mg. CoEnzymeQ10 capsules, (Winslow has a heart murmur- this was recommended by his regular vet) 1 vitamin E capsule 400mg. (This again is because he had liver damage from the RIMADYL). 3 fish oil capsules, 1 Super Joint Enhancer. In the evening Winslow is also given a little vegetable from our table. Either broccoli, sweet potato, or fruit, peach or banana. Sometimes he wants it, sometimes not. 10:00 pm. Winslow gets a snack. 1 big spoonful of 95% beef with a little "burpdust" (the crumbs of the Burpdog Biscuits). Because the canned food is not as filling as the kibble, they need more. If he doesn't get his snack, he's up during the night crying to be fed. I open all capsules and put them on his food. I crush the glucosamine tablets and add them as well. The transfer factor is powder. All supplements get blended into the food. You will notice that I give the arte 2.5 hours before breakfast. I also reserve the larger dose of Transfer Factor, the vitamin E and the CoEnzyme Q 10 for the evening meal. This is because they are all antioxidant and I want them to be given many hours away from the ARTE. Feeding 95% meat didn't seem to have everything necessary for a dog's well being. This is why I give the chicken and turkey EVO as well. If he gets all chicken and turkey, he gets the BIG D. The transfer factor has so many vitamins in it that I believe he's covered for a balanced meal. He also gets a little table veg.. if he wants it. Feeding all canned food isn't doing his teeth any good. I brush, scrape, and add OXYFRESH PET ORAL HYGIENE SOLUTION to his drinking water in an effort to keep his teeth as healthy as possible. I try to show why I give him everything. This diet is based on my own NON scientific research, the recommendation of others, and my knowledge of Winslow. It seems to be working. He has an exceptional coat, energy, his weight is good, his nails are good, he doesn't have the big D, and he's happy and eats everything I give him. Glynis p.s. Hi Diane, OOPS! I should mention that I don't give Winslow ARTE on the weekends. I read that it is absorbed better if you give it a little time off. So, he gets it only Monday thru Friday
  8. Burpdog

    Nutty Charlene

    Just heartbreaking Sending my sympathy
  9. Not sure her facalties are going well enough to know much of anything at that point She is some what better walking, and somehow, she has run (canter, not gallop) into the house numerous times. She is in "walking" mode--in, out, in, out. Part of it I believe is due to big party Saturday (till 3 a.m.) behind us then the installation of an inflatable, seriously big, jumping thingy for the kids party on Sunday (which Mizzy was totally freaked out about). Eating a lot. I am feeding her 4-5 times a day, CORE and EVO so she is getting some good nutrients into her. She hasn't pooped since Tuesday or Wednesday and considering she didn't start eating until Saturday, I expect something today or tomorrow. This is my life. Waiting for poop.......
  10. I'll ask Glynis what she does with Winslow. I think once a day and off for a certain amount of time. She also gives a supplement, that of course, I can't at the moment remember either! I'll post more when I am awake
  11. What is the creatine? As I said, at 13.5 I'd feed her what ever she wants. You may consider learning how to give her fluids when the time comes. Her BUN doens't look that high for her age. I've had quite a few with 3+ protein and no symptoms of anything. We ignored it. Ask your vet about Quiet Digestion made by Health Concerns. Very good combination of stomach meds.
  12. Burpdog


    Thank goodness he had you his last years! He went being loved....
  13. She is eating (CORE and EVO) and drinking. She also ate the first really hard food last night, eating an IAMS biscuit! Also ate a salmon biscuit. I was almost concerned about how much she was eating......didn't want to overload her stomach since she had not eaten in so many days. She did eat around 1/3 of a cup of EVO this morning which is amazing because she has not been eating in the morning at all! It's pretty sad to see a grey try to nest with vestibular disease Also, she tries to shake when necessary and promptly ends up on the floor, quite confused Overall, I think she is doing as well as can be expected. Considering what she looked like Wednesday morning, she is much improved! Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. Please continue
  14. What exactly are the readings? At her age, I'd feed her whatever she will eat. Most of them seem to want things in spurts: meat, then grain, etc. CORE is a good food because it is higher in protein and low enough in fat. Try chondroitin for the weak legs. The two I recommend are Fresh Factors (prefer) or Cosequin.
  15. I've been thinking about him too. He is making progress, and that is wonderful!
  16. She just ate some soaked kibble First kibble since Monday!
  17. I've used the "poop medicine with the big name" many times and have had no issues with it. It is also used for mouth problems. Covers both ends Overdosing flagyl can cause neurological problems, and some dogs are sensitive to it and have had neurological problems from "normal" doses.
  18. I'd make an appointment for Monday. You can always cancel. Usually, sudden swelling indicates infection or bite (or both). Is it scraped at all?
  19. I can try cat food. She has turned her nose up at almost everything I hope the pred will kick in her appetite as it did a few months ago. Forgot to tell you all: I lost her at 3 a.m. At 1 she may have gone out (the nights are getting fuzzy) and when I woke up at 3 she was not in the room! I went into the living room (where Huston sleeps almost every night--there are 3 dog beds in there) and no Tootsie, walked into the back bedroom, no Tootsie. I am in a panic! how do you loose a dog in an enclosed area? Went back into the living room, turned on the light, and there she is laying down on the dog bed furtherst from the doorway! Got her back into the family room and we slept until 6ish. I think she had to pee (there was a puddle in the living room) and decided not to walk any further and layed down on the bed
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