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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Sending lots of prayers. Perhaps pred will give him some energy. He may just be having a bad day and will feel better tomorrow morning. Here's hoping!
  2. OK - I stayed at a Holiday Inn years ago so: No test for staph that I know of. I suppose if he has a spot filled with pus they could culture it. He is on a wide spectrum of antibiotics. I hope to heck you are giving him at least 6 acidolphillus pills a day! (I just had to put the gonorrhea in there--at least you know he's clear of that!) I'm guessing on the bath but perhaps so you don't spread whatever it is around the body. Since the new antibiotic is helping, I'd ask when you can do a bath. Fish oil caps -- at least 6 a day.
  3. Huston here! Oh boy, oh boy oh boy! I've been the best boy ever! I never do anything wrong (we won't talk about the bruises I give Mom when I get excited ) My neck is 15 at the base and I am around 29" long. I hate pj's but Mom chases me down to put my vest on. I love food of any kind I love stuffies and I need around 20 because Mahogany & Pablo break them I have no where to hide them..... Maybe, Santa, if you built a new room on the house, it could be my stuffy room? Burpdog here: scents -- I like scents that remind me of Christmas Love dark chocolate
  4. Could be a staph infection, serious due to the immune system being down from the TBD. Which antibiotic is he on?
  5. I will go home (I'm at work) and talk with Huston and let you know
  6. On the young ones I'd get a blood panel done once a year and twice a year on the seniors. I screwed up big time this year. I got Huston's blood panel done when he had his dental and did not get a copy. Got it done last week and requested copies of both panels. He is now on doxy and if his platelets and HCT don't come up in two weeks, we will do a tick panel. Point being, Huston is only 6. Now I am kicking myself that I did not have a panel done last year. The panel should run around $80
  7. Should not be a problem asking your vet to consult with Dr. Couto--he is known around the world and many vets know him through at least one book he wrote on cancer (weims if I remember right). Most vets do not mind consults with someone of authority in the field. (or, should I say--should not mind ) Sending prayers
  8. If you have not had fleas, why use Sentinel? You can give Interceptor at 45 days instead of 30 (I usually do 40 days to give me a few days just in case).
  9. If you are talking about a grey, if you are questioning I'd get the eyes checked by a specialist
  10. I won't do a water deprevation test ever again. Did they do a culture? Have you tried broad spectrum atb just to see if it clears up? I've had dogs appear to be clear and the drinking and peeing resolves in 2-3 days if it's an infection. Easy to do.....
  11. I'd have them removed. I'd consider spaying at the same time.
  12. Could be a lot of things. Is it hard, soft? Obviously a vet has to look at it. It is very similar to Tootsie's lump, in the same area. Comes and goes and vet says a cyst. Sending prayers!
  13. November 1, 2007 Hi Diane, We hope you have recovered from the auction madness. Winslow is having a good week.. He was so excited about the auction. Such fun! Then there was swimming yesterday. The horses had it really steamed up and they were making so much noise. Winslow went right on and swam 7 double laps without any problem. Next week we try 9. His weight is holding at 77.2 so he looks sleek and he's feeling good. Very fuzzy. We had Halloween last night. Of course Winslow had to check out the costumes. I usually just step outside because the little kids think he's a wolf and he's bigger than most of them. All was going along fine until we got a visit from the Merry old land of OZ. I know these kids and they know Winslow, so all was well UNTIL he spied the stuffed TOTO in Dorothy's basket. Needless to say, a scene ensued. I was able to rescue TOTO from the jaws of the wolf and return him to his basket while ushering the little ones out the door. In the end, the kids got candy, TOTO got slobbered on and Winslow got a treat. Pretty good Halloween, I'd say. Today, it's been absolutely beautiful here. Winslow spent most of the day lounging on the deck. He's tired from his activities, but the weather is just so right for him. A very happy boy. I hope all is going well at your house and the pack is healthy. Glynis life is good
  14. Depends. I have sent biscuits to England and Germany with no problem.
  15. Burpdog


    I can't believe it still hurts so much Please do the blood work and read the product insert! Nothing has changed, except the year.....so I just copied and pasted, and changed the year In a few days it will be 9 years since her light left my life and this earth. Be aware of the side effects of all NSAIDs. Make sure you receive a product insert. Make sure blood work is done before starting on them (for instance, this is Pfizer's protocol regarding rimadyl--not mine!) and at two weeks (yes, two weeks--had that been done, I believe Eliza could have been saved), then every 6 weeks. Make sure platelets are checked in addition to kidney & liver function. Do not treat these drugs lightly--there is a reason that death was added as a side effect! I say this because I have noticed that many people pop NSAIDs into their pets like we take aspirin or ibuprofen. There is a reason the drug companies say "do blood work before dispensing". Listen to your vet if he/she recommends blood work, and if he/she does not do blood work, request it! I have managed for 9 years and with 19 other seniors to treat without the use of NSAIDs. Thank heaven!!! I thought the other day while updating the Rainbow Land thread, about meeting her and seeing that great big smile and hugging her and telling her how sorry I am. That day is not too far off and I hope I can leave my guilt at the bridge when we go over....... I you Eliza Jane.
  16. Sounds good! Make sure you ask about getting some neurontin to take with you in case of phantom pain when you get home.
  17. The best results I've had overall is Fresh Factors from Springtime. You can get the Joint Health and add FF to the daily mix. Their chondroitin is the best! Fresh Factors - Joint Health I believe till the end of the year they have buy 2 get 2 free
  18. Sounding very good. Glad you got some sleep! When you go see him, be prepared for bruising--it is normal.
  19. Yes. Try pepcid AC, zantac or tagamet. If he does not respond to these, ask vet for carafate to add a couple times a day.
  20. Burp was on it for several years. Tootsie is on it now.
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