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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. In all the dogs I have used it in, I've not seen runny poops. Mahogany right now has some loose stools but I think it's from the morphine (as well as lack of appetite and eating things she isn't use to eating). I think metacam can cause loose stools (as well as other NSAIDs). That said, I am sure some cannot handle tramadol. Did you only see these things after giving the first dose? Was she on metacam before giving that dose? Any blood in the stool?
  2. She woke me up at 5 whining. She was hungry but all she would eat was 2 large milk bones!
  3. Burpdog


    What ever happened before he went to the bridge is over and he is happy and running. Sending my sympathy.
  4. She ate about 1/3 can of EVO, turned up her nose at EVO kibble, ate around 1/2 cup of chicken then finally ate CORE kibble, out of her bowl at 10:30 p.m. Stools are very soft which I am not surprised about. She is comfortable and walking somewhat better tonight. Giving her 100mg of tramadol and 60 mg of morphine! It's possible the exam, going up on the table, being adjusted and corn removal on the other foot just was a lot and I might be able to cut back on meds a little. We shall see. I hope she doesn't go into the big D.
  5. If she's not better by Monday, I'd go to a specialist. Sending prayers.
  6. Many vets underdose tramadol. You should be able to give him 100mg at a time if he is in so much pain. Can you call them? 100mg every 4 hours would not be excessive for his injury. Other option is acupuncture vet that will come to the house. When Rob Roy and Austin had their spat, I had the same problem with Rob Roy. Fortunately both vets came out to the house and he received treatments and was able to lay down after that.
  7. She is bright eyed. It's her personality that will do her in I'm afraid. She is eating a breakfast of salmon & banana biscuits. I'll go to the store before I go to work. Also will buy some SG Barking at the Moon which she likes.
  8. It's not going well She has stopped eating. If I even walk towards her with a bowl of new stuff or meat balls, she jumps up and trys to run away (of course there is a yelp in there--my nerves are shot)Mahogany is my "do not touch me" dog and trying to get pills into her is awful. I'll go out and buy Magic's favorite and also some hamburger and see if she will eat that. I am not hopeful......this is progressing much too fast. Prayers welcome.
  9. What a trouper he is Sending lots of prayers!
  10. Ask vet is subq fluids will help. Sending prayers.
  11. Sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers!
  12. Looks fine to me for his age. I'll send you all the stuff on this
  13. He is doing well! Eyes appear brighter than they have He is so darn cute!
  14. You need to worm with panacur then use Interceptor from now on.
  15. What is the link to buy artimisinin? What is pine cone extract? Going to pick up some morphine to add to the tramadol.
  16. Well, I am going to disagree (what is new). Too many dogs have died or almost died waiting. Babesia is not something to mess around with. Even though Tootsie had an undesirable effect from the second shot, her blood work shows it was the right thing to do. Her platelets last month remained over 200,000 after the low of 132,000 in September. Of all the people that I have talked with who do many Imizol injections, none have had an adverse reaction like Toots (figures, doesn't it?) What are your dogs platelets, HCT & RBC and have you plotted the blood work ups?
  17. Definitive diagnosis. It's suspicous at this point but both the vet & I know......
  18. I'd post to the tick list and ask this question http://saluqi.home.netcom.com/ticklinks.htm Personally, I'd most likely treat with Imizol.
  19. The area is suspicous on xray and she screamed when he touched there. Even though she is a screamer, he apparently was able to examine her other places without reaction. Last night I gave her 100mg of tramadol and noticed no result. I've asked for morphine to add to tramadol and we will step up the drugs. She has a very high drug tolerance.
  20. I forgot part of the story! While we were waiting (those who have been to an eye specialist know waiting is parting of the game), I look over and I see discharge from Huston's hoo hoo. Wipe it with a paper towel and it's nice and green Wiped it several times during the visit and green. So when Huston got home, he got a hoo hoo wash.....poor guy
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