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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Oh -- you didn't read my updates! I am flying instead of driving....no Huston I couldn't find anyone to ride with and it is a long drive
  2. No dental, no blood work. She has a suspicious area just below the shoulder (where a lot of osteo forms). He wants to repeat xrays in 2-3 weeks but we both think the worst.
  3. Thinking of you and sending prayers for peace and comfort.
  4. Since coming home from Abilene last year (could be coincidental), Huston has had some discharge from his right eye. Forms, hardens and sits there until I take it off. Nothing terrible, two vets have looked at it over the months and could see nothing wrong. I thought perhaps a sand partical from running in the sprint runs. Last week it escalated getting very goopy and the other eye started a little. I flushed with saline and it got better but I still made an appointment with the eye specialist. Went in yesterday. The majority of the exam was unremarkable. Then he did some test to see about drainage (into the nose?) and it wasn't running properly. So, he stuck a needle (no, I do NOT watch eyes) in somewhere and flushed. Out came this yucky string of goop. What ever he did unclogged something (no, not the tear duct). Big medical name and when I get the report, I'll update Hopefully this will fix it. Drops for 2 weeks and then I will call vet. If this doesn't work, they have to backflush thru the nose (my little bendy boy's nose ) to clear whatever is there. So praying this is fixed!
  5. Mahogany may have a dental today depending on some xrays She's been limping some and a few days ago it's gotten worse and it dawns on me she has transferred legs--she's limping on the one without corns. Xrays first and if nothing shows (I know it doesn't mean there isn't nothing) then dental. Regardless, nails and corns will be done. She was shaking like a leaf when I left her Until I hear about the xrays, I'll be a mess.
  6. Sending lots of prayers and soft scritches!
  7. Sending lots of prayers! Give him a hug from me.
  8. If it is going to Idexx, send it to Protatek yourself and save the money
  9. Find out what that covers and where it is being sent. Unless that price covers all the normal TBDs (lyme, RMSF, babesia, erlichia canis and VF) and a PCR for one or two of the others, it's too much. I assume you mean a 3 week course of doxy instead of 3 day. 3 weeks is not long enough. If you have results go 8 weeks and make sure at the dose of 5mg per # of body weight twice a day.
  10. Sending my sympathy--I know how hard it is.
  11. That is not very much chondroitin at all. My seniors are on around 1000 a day--right now, give or take 200
  12. I've tried quite a few The best in my opinion is by Springtime Inc. You can do a combination of Joint Health and Fresh Factors. Springtime The chondroitin is from bovine which is the best!
  13. Put a nice coat on--no one will notice
  14. With older animals I don't like satin balls because of the pancreatitis possibility. Can you feed him something like canned EVO instead? Boiled roast beef? You can soak kibble, blend and make some balls with some kibble in it Ask the vet if you can try some benedryl and see if it helps.
  15. Sending prayers for a successful surgery. Accidents happen
  16. But which glucosamine/chondoitin? It does make a difference. Fresh Factors and Joint Health use bovine chondroitin which is the best. In all the dogs I've used them in, every one did very good until close to the end when we had to add pred. MSM (which is in Joint Health) is a very good supplement. Also, it does matter which MSM. WalMart brand and Rexall do NOT work. I get MSM capules from the health food store if I am not using Joint Health.
  17. Yes, 4-6 hours. Retest on meds should be 2.0 to 5.0
  18. Fish oil caps or flax seed oil caps. Where do you live (climate)?
  19. What a wonderful friend you have now playing at the Rainbow Bridge I'm so glad you wrote about Mattie. I hope she sends you another special one to share your life with soon.
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