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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Did you do a TBD test on her? Babesia and erlichia.
  2. What a beautiful friendship! Sending my sympathy
  3. Sending lots of prayers! Any chance there is snail bait in the yard or anti freeze? or ant poison?
  4. Yes, that would do it Glad she is doing well!!!
  5. I believe the people on the tick list are anti lyme vaccine. If you join you can read the archives. I, too, spread the vaccines out when I do vaccinate. For instance, I'll do the rabies, then at least two weeks before other vaccines. I like to split them if possible, rather than do a combined.
  6. Sending prayers! I trust my vets too, and I still worry every time.
  7. How much thyroid is he on? What exactly were the test results? The symptoms of thyroid issues vary greatly. I had one grey who was underweight and gained the needed 5# after starting thyroid supplement. Depending on the dog and symptoms, I pay more attention to symptoms than "what is normal for a greyhound". Many people misquote, or partially quote, the study in Florida regarding normals for greyhounds. I have started getting a T4 with the blood work when a grey comes home to me. This is used as a baseline only. If, for instance, Huston or Grace started showing any symptoms, at their age, I would do a full panel and we would have one reference point to work from.
  8. Here are the guidelines according to the vet association and quite a few opinions: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=128246&hl= My personal opinion is that many over vaccinate in all breeds, and I believe the high incidence of cancer in greys is due to over vaccinating and undiagnosed (or diagnosed) Tick Borne Diseases (which lower the immune system).
  9. Can you find a vet certified in both chiropractic and acupuncture? Be very careful as rimadyl can cause the lethargy. Has he had blood work in the last few weeks? edited to add: I've never had them worse. On occassion they will not show improvement, but not worse. Could be the trip? or where she needled?
  10. Pills should do. Frontline spray for him and the house Have you seen any fleas?
  11. Well, not necessarily. The kidney values will be elevated if there is an infection. Sorry, I'd find another vet.
  12. Sending prayers for peace & comfort to all
  13. Sending prayers! If this is true, there is no way she should be on rimadyl or any other NSAID!
  14. I wonder if Transfer Factor will help. www.betterherbs.com Sending lots of prayers!
  15. February 9, 2008 Hi Diane, It's been a very busy week here. Winslow is giving me lists and making demands, as usual.. What to serve at his party, deliver a big cake to VCA (for those who can't come to the party), paint the guest room for Uncle Harris. He's got me running all over the place. He's been asking for a bluetooth so he can stay connected. I don't think so! Wednesday evening, I ran out for 20 minutes to pick Craig up at the airport. I didn't give Winslow his kong with peanut butter. I just dashed out. On the way home, a phone call from my neighbor: 'Glynis, Winslow was at the (open) window, crying at me when I came up the street. He's never done that before.' By that time I was in the driveway. I knew he was just mad because I didn't give him his kong. I told her, 'He's asking you to call Greyhound Welfare and tell them he's abused and neglected. I'm surprised he didn't hold up a sign with their phone number on it.' I came in... Winslow greeted Craig, picked up the empty kong and dropped it on my feet. Anyway, today was the first time we got to read any Greytalk for awhile. We were sad to hear about Carrier's problems. We wish him a very speedy recovery. After Winslow had Adriamyicin, our regular vet said to give him 90 mg. of coenzyme Q10. per day. It is antioxidant and a heart supplement. Winslow has a #3 heart murmur. He had no heart issues from the Adriamyicin, but the coenzyme seemed like a very good idea to me. Since they are looking toward more holistic treatment for Carrier, this may be something to look into. Winslow loves looking at Darcy.. He thinks she's beautiful.. We are glad to see that she's doing better. Winslow has been inquiring about the weather where they live. It looks cold and windy. I'm expecting a request to move to England. Cold weather and a cute deerhound. What else could there be? I better go.. The master and commander is ready to go out and survey his territory. Glynis
  16. What was his low titre? I would probably retest for babesia. Sending prayers. edited to add: I'd do the whole TBD panel.
  17. Try slop: bread soaked in milk and hand feed. I try to get them eating as soon after whelping as possible. The clavamox could be upsetting her stomach. Ask vet if you can use pepcid. I've never tried meat but that might work. Boiled hamburger or canned EVO would be good.
  18. I've used Calm Spirit by Health Concerns (must be ordered by a vet or MD) and Er Yin Jian made by Jing Tang, and my vet made up a combination of bach flowers that works better than rescue remedy alone. I have the "recipe" somewhere....
  19. Make sure the vet is familar with greyhounds. Call & ask for an estimate!
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