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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Poor Merlin, I hope he gets to come home soon!
  2. sounds like Rocky is coping pretty well Tramadol was a huge help for Sugar, but I know there have been other dogs on GT that did not handle it well at all. Please keep us updated!
  3. sooo frustrating when it could be one of so many different things, or even something else for Happy
  4. Remolacha

    Sylvester Boy

    I am so sorry. It is hard to loose your first
  5. I am so sorry the meds aren't helping. I went through this with Sugar this summer (well, not the baby part) When she lost interest in life, I knew it was time. I wasn't ready, but she was. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
  6. poor little girl! I hope she keeps healing well
  7. I can understand why they want to get rid of, or at least control, the infection before they take the bad tooth, but if it were my dog, I get that tooth out of there as soon as possible. for you and Zoe
  8. I am so sorry, what a shock! As others have said, She will adjust fine, it will probably be harder for you
  9. I was just reading Penny's tribute, and the description of her little stiff front leg hop reminded me of Sugar. She did the same thing when I came home, little stiff front legged bounces. I also miss seeing her sweet face peering at me through the curtains when I get out of the car.
  10. for the neg. VF! that picture of him is adorable
  11. I am sorry about your job! But, at least you can be home with Lee, I'm sure that will ease your mind
  12. sometimes, the only thing we can do for them is to let them go I believe that is one of the most painful things anyone ever has to go through
  13. UTI, diabetes are the two things I thought of, Cushings is also possible. I hope the vet can pin it down and it's "just" a UTI!
  14. I don't know why your vet couldn't write you a prescription for Tramadol either, it's a people drug, so you could get it filled anywhere I am glad the Deramax is helping! I hope the visit to Auburn on Monday gives you some answers
  15. I am so sorry, what a shock for you!
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