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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. on the dental, and good idea to get the VF test.
  2. How many teeth did she loose? Did the vet send her home with anything for pain? Sallie lost 6 teeth and was sent home with a small bottle of Metacam. We didn't use it all, but I gave it to her for the first few days after, I know her mouth was sore.
  3. Yes, raspy and loud, but those are infrequent (but loud enough to wake me up at night!) The shallow breathing is more frequent
  4. What are the diagnostics for LP? Fletcher has become increasing more sensitive to heat the last few years, to the point that we don't walk if the temp. is over 80 (which cuts out about 3-4 months in the summer). He has started having panting "episodes" lately that kind of scare me. I am taking him in on Friday, but the more I know ahead of time, the better! His heart was checked last year and was fine, but we'll be checking that, too. He just turned 9 last week.
  5. Glad she made it through the surgery ok! that she gets to come home tomorrow
  6. you are right though, the nasty teeth are just adding to kidney problems.
  7. Don't be nervous! (easy for me to say, I was a basket case when my first came home ) My girls were reserved at first, and have continued to show new aspects of their personality over the years. Fletcher has always been what you see is what you get but we actually bonded before he was even mine. He is my shadow, my baby, my heart dog
  8. When my parents lived in San Antonio, there was a little Mexican place down the street that only made menudo on Sundays. There were lines down the street every Sunday and they always ran out I've never tried it either, and now that I know about the calves' feet, I plan to keep it that way edited to add, I'm glad your cake didn't end up tasting like tripe
  9. Can you work with one group & their dog at a time, while the others watch? Then rotate to the next group. Sometimes actually seeing it (and seeing your corrections) will make it "click". I know I would learn better that way, and it would be (almost) one-on-one.
  10. In Latin countries it's called menudo. Supposed to be a hangover cure. I guess something that makes you hurl could be considered a hangover cure Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs did an episode on the green tripe plant in California
  11. Don't beat yourself up about giving her the salmon oil, you had no way of knowing it would be bad for her! And, as you say, now you have a diagnosis, so you can be careful in the future
  12. and people voluntarily eat this stuff (the bleached kind) I think the frozen doesn't stink quite as bad, but I serve it half frozen. The canned is definitely easier! (hope your house airs out ok )
  13. I know each dog is different but Fletcher can not tolerate any fish oils, capsules, Salmon oil, any of it. However, he does fine with canned sardines and I used to also give them jack mackrel, when it was cheap. He has no problems with actual fish. I also have a friend who has a cat who can't eat any kind of fish cat food, but does just fine with plain cooked salmon or tuna. Something in the processing, I guess
  14. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl, I am so sorry
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