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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. What a handsome fellow, I am so sorry
  2. for Prince! I am sure it will be very traumatic for him, requiring many
  3. Gil I am so sorry. It may be that Tyrone wanted to be with Dimples
  4. I've never been to a chiro, but I know after an acupuncture session I sometimes feel pretty rubber-kneed I am glad he is feeling better.
  5. Well, I only have three dogs A meal is turkey neck or duck neck or chicken part with ground beef or chunks of turkey or pork (no bone) depending on how big/boney the neck or chicken part is. Green tripe, canned fish, raw eggs get added randomly (1-2 a week) Sometimes they get lamb, bison, something more "exotic' if I found a sale. Oh, yeah, beef liver, chicken livers/hearts/gizzards once a week or so. The only supplements I give are their Joint Health & Fresh Factors tablets, and during shedding/flaking season (about now ) a spoon of coconut oil for their coats. A tablespoon of pumpkin as a treat (and to hide meds when necessary). This is not quite typical because Fletcher has IBD, and there are many things people give, like veggies and fish oil that he doesn't tolerate. Fletcher weighs 90# and gets about 2# of food a day, Molly weighs 70# and Sallie 60#, but they both get about 1.5-1.75# a day, Molly tends to gain, and Sallie is younger.
  6. It used to be a regular part of the rotation, when it was cheap! I switched to sardines, but I should check the price again. Canned fish and eggs are a great back-up for 'Oh cr*p, I forgot to take something out of the freezer'
  7. Fletcher NEVER goes out the dog door without a toy in his mouth! Sallie often drags toys (and pillows, and blankets, and shoes, and...) outside too They don't seem to mind when I bring them back in though. How else would they have something to take outside if their servant didn't bring the toys back in?
  8. Thanks! I think I will try it on an as needed basis for now, I can always change to daily if I need to.
  9. OK, so I picked some of this up last week. I got the same stuff Buzzy got for Sweetpea at Sprout's, for about $20. I put it in Fletcher's bowl with dinner and he ate it right up I tasted it and didn't think it was too bad. A day or so later, I ate something that disagreed with me, and took a spoonful for myownself, and it really helped! My question, do you think it would be useful to continue giving it to Fletcher, my IBD boy, on a regular basis, or only when he has a flare up? I gave him about 1 tsp.
  10. I suppose you could give too many, but one a day should be fine. Lucky Tracker, to get such fresh eggs!
  11. Sugar was on Metacam for 3-4 years with no problems (arthritis) and Fletcher has been on various NSAIDs for the last three years (also arthritis) I give a milk thistle capsule once a day to support the liver, and I use Springtime Joint Health and Fresh Factors for all the dogs. Greyhound Gang's stuff is great, and a lot cheaper, but it is a powder and Fletcher didn't like it. The dogs all think their Joint Health & Fresh Factor tablets are treats
  12. I am so sorry The hole they leave behind is enormous
  13. Tiny was just beautiful, I am so sorry
  14. So glad that you have an answer for Doolin, and it is something that can be treated! Unfortunately, as others have said, getting rid of hooks can be a royal pain. He should start to feel better soon!
  15. Sugar was on it daily for a couple of years (off and on before that) with no problems. She also took meds for her heart, and a pepcid.
  16. I don't know what dosage your vet started you on, but they usually start "low", so if you think he is still in pain, I would call and ask about upping the dose.
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