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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am glad it wasn't to bad, I hope the meds will keep her comfortable for a long time! I got the "old dog lungs" diagnosis for Fletcher too, but don't really know what it means
  2. Would grammy like to come visit Phoenix? I am sure the dogs would love to see her
  3. I have a pretty small house, I can't think of a room I could baby gate the others in without them still being able to see and whine , and it's just me, so no one to unload the others on! I can try going outside and leaving the others inside, it'll have to be early before it gets too hot, but since Molly starts whining at first light, around 4-4:30, early shouldn't be a problem Thanks!
  4. This summer, while it is too hot to do much outside, I thought I would work on some training. Look-at-me for Fletcher (again ) and down/wait/go-to-place for Sallie and Molly. However, I need some tips on how to work with one dog while keeping the others from distracting us. "Whatcha doin'?" "Can I play too?" "MeMeMe" BTW, I've never used crates, don't even own one, so crating the nonstudents isn't an option.
  5. I am glad to hear he is doing better this morning. I hope this is the beginning of a complete recovery!
  6. right now, Fletcher is not shedding at all, Molly is shedding a little, and Sallie should be bald from all the fur she has shed the last few weeks, but her fur is still thick
  7. I've had several muzzles chewed into uslessness, everything passed with no problems! Still, I'd keep an eye on him for awhile, just to be sure. My girls didn't get the label "goat girls" for no reason
  8. I think this is much harder on you than it is on Beth glad to hear the experts think everything is going well, I know how hard it is to be patient!
  9. Can't help you with the cerenia, but I would offer water, but no food, during the trip.
  10. I've been goosed, but never pinched!
  11. I am so sorry, 14 1/2 is a good long time, but it is never long enough
  12. Fletcher was just licking the couch earlier this evening He does it often, but I wouldn't say obsessively. I don't have to worry about wet spots, it's his couch, I had to buy another one for me . Sallie likes to lick the rugs
  13. I really hope it turns out to be something treatable!
  14. I am so sorry Albi is having all these complications! I hope today's surgery will be the end of them
  15. No advice, sounds like you've got it covered (so to speak ) Just a BTDT with Fletcher. What a klutz!
  16. Fletcher sounds like Max, he has had bouts of excessive panting for about three years, but only in the summer when it gets hot until this last year. My vet has checked all the usual stuff, thinks if it is LP it is in the very early stages. She suggested my next step was a specialist, since it really isn't clear what is going on. So, I guess that's next for him. If I had a definite diagnosis and an otherwise healthy 13 yr old, I think I would do the surgery, I have heard nothing but good results from others, even with older dogs.
  17. Sugar was on lasix and enalipril for a couple of years, and vetmedin was added for the last year, digoxin did not work for her. I hope the vet can come up with a combo of meds to make her comfortable. There is no cure, but it can be managed, and lasix and enalapril aren't terribly expensive.
  18. I know this has been so stressful for you! Luckily, it doesn't seem to phase Beth at all. What a great dog she is! It seems like it has been going on forever, but in a few weeks (really not long at all!) you will be past all this stress
  19. I am so sorry, I had hoped you would have more time with him
  20. hoping the meds will help, what is she on?
  21. You should be fine. I give mine around the same time each month, but not the exact day. It is supposed to be effective 40-45 days.
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