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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. So glad to hear she is doing better this morning! I had no idea UTIs could cause such seemingly unrelated problems.
  2. How terrifying for you! Sounds like she is in good hands, I think you have a wonderful vet. :candle
  3. I am so glad to hear he is home with you! Those people, vet & techs, well Maybe what they did wasn't illegal, but there is no way I would ever take an animal back there! to Minny
  4. We don't get a lot of thunder here, but when we do, Molly runs outside and barks at it I am sure the neighbors are thrilled to have her chasing it away in the middle of the night! I have to run out after her and (loud whisper) "get in here! Hush!" She doesn't mind fireworks, although my other two are terrified. They would probably ignore the thunder except Molly gets them worked up about it
  5. I am so sorry I was hoping that they were giving quality medical care, even if their "bedside" manner sucked, but I have to wonder about those techs from what you have said. I do understand about having to make the best of what is available Good news about Cash, I am so glad she is doing better!
  6. I once heard a definition that I thought was good, although I agree, it is a range of behaviors. A spook is a dog that reacts the same way to a particular situation 9 times out of 10, and the tenth time, will do something completely different. The new behavior may continue, or they may go back to the old ways. In other words, unpredictible. Most spooks are timid (not necessarily shy, a different thing) and do well with routine, even more so than most dogs. The comparison to autistic children (also a range) is a good one, I think. From your description, I wouldn't call Mizuki a spook, and I would avoid that vet like the plague!
  7. yes, arthritis sucks (Fletcher has it and so do I!) but it is managable
  8. I know it can get hectic at an e-vet, but that shouldn't stop you from calling! If the vet is too busy to talk, the techs should be able to give you a general update and have the vet call back. Glad he hasn't had anymore seizures!
  9. so glad to hear he has been having good days! Hope it turns out NOT to be the "C"
  10. :candle I am so sorry you and Minny are going through this
  11. Remolacha


    I am so sorry
  12. Reading about everything the two of you have gone through together makes it even more understandable that you would make these changes for Mable, and even less understandable that your "friend" would make such hurtful comments As for pain relief, have you tried acupuncture? It shouldn't affect her other health issues, might be a big help (or it might not, but it's worth a shot) I used it for my old girl who had arthritis & spinal issues, and it literally saved her life. She had reached a point where she couldn't walk, and the acupuncture gave her back about 85%-90% mobility.
  13. I see nothing unusual in what you have done, I guess that makes me eccentric too Seriously, why do you care what other people think? Some of my friends think I go overboard for my animals, but they respect my choices, and just say they want to come back as one of my pets I feel sorry for your friend, he has no clue what he is missing. I, too, would find it difficult to continue to consider him a friend, not because of his opinions, he has a right to think whatever he wants, but for giving you such a hard time about it. What you do for your animals, and in the rest of your life, for that matter, is really none of his business!
  14. I'm sorry of course that Heart is hurting, and so many others have been sick/hurt, but so gla that everyone is on the mend and nothing was more serious!
  15. for Jilly to get to come home today for Heart, hope it's just some arthritis or something easy!
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