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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. duck necks are our mainstay! You are lucky (OP) to have a local source for premixed ground!
  2. Yes, last year he got a TBD panel last year, along with a VF test. We treated him with a course of Doxy anyway, didn't change anything.
  3. Just seeing this and thought I'd mention that the dosage may need to decrease with age, apart from anything else. We recently redid the full panel on Spencer (age 11) in response to excessive whining. Though the T4 was low, his free-T4 was too high. We cut his dosage in half and he's doing fine now, no more whining. But as Batmom said, there can be various symptoms -- like feeling/being too hot and then, of course, panting. Couldn't help but think of this when I saw your latest thread. Thanks! I will talk to my vet about re-running the full panel.
  4. I guess that makes sense, Phoenix air is almost as bad as L.A.! Both vets said no, he did not have LP (that was what I was expected it to be)
  5. I am so sorry You certainly made the last few weeks of his life the best, he knew he was loved
  6. Anyone ever heard of this? Last year I took Fletcher in (again) to try and figure out what was causing him to pant so much. He got chest x-rays, and my vet saw some cloudiness in his lungs, so she sent them off to a radiologist, who said they didn't see any lesions or tumors, it was just "old dog lungs" (he was 9 at the time). I took him to a specialist (internist) and she called it "chronic allergic bronchitis" and prescribed an antihistamine type drug. It helped, some, and I have been keeping the temperature down, as hot weather really seems to make it worse, but I still wish there was something more I could do
  7. Fletcher does what you are describing, and it drives me crazy! He has been to his vet numerous times, and last year I took him to a specialist. We still don't have a real answer He does have pretty bad arthritis, so it could be pain, but like you said, why all of a sudden, when just lying there asleep He also has allergies, and is very sensitive to the heat, could be that I wish I had an answer for you, and maybe your vet will be able to pin down a cause for your girl, but at least you are not alone
  8. I am glad he is going to see the vet. It does sound a lot like last year when Molly hurt her neck. I hope that's all it is, the cure is time and rest!
  9. I had to laugh at the image of the green beans "strewn like confetti around the bowl" sounds like you are are on the right track with the weight loss!
  10. I ordered the stretcher, and it came in a few days (very quickly!). It was pretty easy to assemble, even for a klutz like me I hope I never have to use it, but it is such a relief to know I have it! I think I will see if my vet will give me some kind of sedative to have on hand, I know that would help.
  11. What a terrible shock, I am so sorry! Could be a clot, or a stroke, I don't think you'll know unless you decide to do an autopsy
  12. :confetti Fletcher dislocated a toe last week, so I understand your relief
  13. Ouch, poor baby! this takes care of it, finally!
  14. I am so sorry how terrible to loose two at once but at least they are together
  15. excellent news! I also would not tinker with what's working for a nice long relapse
  16. I am so sorry Mighty sounds like he was a wonderful boy
  17. It's always stressful when they have to go "under", but maybe this will finally get this bad place cured
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