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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. The lamb could be part of the problem, if he won't eat the Z/D without it, time to try something else. White fish is very bland. My IBD dog actually does very well on plain old lean ground beef and duck necks. You may also, until his system settles, need something stronger than pepcid for his tummy. Good luck, IBD is such a roller coaster!
  2. beautiful girls! they look like "real" sisters
  3. I am so sorry orange kitties are truly special
  4. I say, congratulations for recognizing your home wasn't the best place for her, in spite of the fact that you had fallen for her! These hounds are easy to love, and it would be tempting to want to keep her even though she wasn't a great fit for your household. I have met several dogs that I wished I could keep, but weren't a good fit. They all found great loving homes that were a perfect for them
  5. I consider my hounds seniors at 10, but it is pretty arbitrary! Fletcher has been getting supplements for a few years, because he started showing symptoms of arthritis when he was only 6. He just turned 10, and his arthritis is pretty bad, but in his mind, he is still only about 2 Molly will be 10 in May, and doesn't seem like a "senior" at all! I've been giving the girls Joint Health and Fresh Factors for a couple of years, figured it couldn't hurt, and might help put off the old age creaks for a bit.
  6. I got a Ruffwear, mostly because it was what was available http://www.ruffwear.com/Flat-Out-Leash_6?sc=2&category=15
  7. I recently started using one. I attach the leashes of my two girls and still have Fletcher's leash in my hand. Fletcher is very leash reactive, and I was worried about dropping the girls' leashes when I had to deal with him. It has been great! It frees up at least one hand, and I could attach Fletcher's leash as well if I needed to, and I don't worry about one of them getting loose.
  8. I am so sorry she sounds like a very special girl
  9. I ordered the stretcher from BellasPainRelief last night, and she has offered free shipping to anyone on GT who orders a stretcher before May 1, 2012, use coupon code "freeship". I will start another thread for this as well the link is in an earlier post, but it is http://www.bellaspai...ort-489-ctg.htm wait! shipping code may change I will update.
  10. this is something I have worried about for years since i live alone and Fletcher is 90lbs, no way I could carry him! This stretcher looks perfect for me, I will be ordering one today! Thanks for posting it
  11. I am so sorry Knuckles sure got the most out of his short life
  12. Poor Bill sorry he is hurting, but glad he will be ok
  13. I am so sorry to hear about Mac I hope you have many more good days with him before he has to leave.
  14. You had quite a day! I love my vet too, she will always "work us in" if it's an emergency. I hear you about enjoying them when they are young Mine are 8-13 yrs. It was so nice the other day, I took one of the cats in for his annual check up and he was perfectly healthy, in and out and home in less than an hour to Jilly Bean
  15. I am so sorry 14+ years is quite a lifetime, but the years are never long enough
  16. I switched to a harness for Fletcher, who is very leash reactive to non greys, and very big (90lbs). I feel that it gives me better control (I also use a leash with a "handle" so I can hold him on a short leash). I was also worried he would injure his neck as he would leap, twist, lunge on the end of the leash. I don't know that the harness has made in real difference in his reactivity, although his current one has the "no pull" ring in the front. If I used that it might help So, for me, it's a matter of control (for me) and safety (no injury) for him.
  17. Could she be getting stressed when you aren't there (or not available) Not really SA, but I have noticed they become more dependent as they get older. In the meantime, until you find the cause, I would put a washable pee pad in her "spot". If she always goes in the same spot, at least it will be easier to clean up
  18. I am so impressed! You have done your dogs a huge favor! :yay
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