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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Can you give Silver the Princess something "special" that won't give her nasty poops that is different from Sam's canned food? Like yogurt or cottage cheese? Or, can you mix Sam's medicine in something Silver can eat? I am sure you've thought of these things, but sometimes, for me anyway, I overthink the situation and miss the obvious I try to be even handed with the dogs treats/medicine-hidden-in-treats, just because it makes ME feel better
  2. I've been following Sophie latest 'adventure' but haven't had a chance to respond. I am glad she is doing better this morning, but think the vet visit is a good idea. I hope the bruising is just part of the healing.
  3. this has been a hard couple of weeks for you! hope Shelby gets to come home soon and heals up just fine!
  4. I am so sorry she was very beautiful
  5. I am so sorry I know she was very special to you and Gene
  6. Molly has lost three dew claws I only wrap it if the claw is still partly attached to kep it from getting snagged on things (it always falls off after a day or two) Once the claw is gone, I just watch it to be sure there is no infection. Jimmie is so cute
  7. I've been using Oxyfresh for a couple of months now, and it has been helpful. Not a cure-all, but I think it helps. I put it in the cat's & dog's water, they don't seem to notice any difference in the taste or smell.
  8. Remolacha


    I am so sorry
  9. I am so sorry for more comfortable sunny days before she has to leave
  10. Well, if his insistence that greyhounds can't sit didn't in validate everything else he said, the two comments, 1) they don't need anything more than 2 1/2 hour walks a day, and 2) they bounce off the walls because they aren't getting enough exercise should make you ignore anything else this moron says!
  11. Remolacha


    I am so sorry love those big boys
  12. I am so sorry all of our dogs are special to us, but Charlie was special to everyone. Thank you for sharing him with us
  13. Actually, my vet feels it is probably allergies, airborne rather than food. This has been a very bad year for allergies, and he was already on allergy meds, but at a low dose. We are increasing that over the weekend to see how he does. I just want to make sure I have covered all bases, and to make him comfortable!
  14. I am taking Fletcher back to the vet this afternoon, and one of the possibilities we will be discussing is LP. Last year two vets both said no LP, but I want him checked for it again. If it does turn out to be that, are there diet restrictions (long term) if he has the surgery? Fletcher is raw fed, because of his IBD, and can not eat kibble more than once or twice a week (meals, not days) and can't eat any of the commercially prepared raw diets either. If I have to grind stuff up at home, I will, of course, but just looking for some info. Thanks!
  15. I hope the A-Bs work and clear this up! another thing to try for pills is cat food
  16. Remolacha


    I am so sorry I understand about letting them go while they still have some dignity
  17. Sounds very much like a neck problem. If that's what it is, some pain meds and a LOT of rest will fix him right up! it's an easy fix!
  18. There are many other things it could be, but of course, your mind goes to the bad place! I would have x-rays done, even if he isn;t limping, for your own peace of mind. Fletcher doesn't limp, but holds his paw up, and occasionally whimpers (he is very stoic) from arthritis in his shoulder.
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