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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. No difference, but like everything else with supplements, be sure you are getting what you pay for. Puritan's Pride I have always found to be reliable.
  2. I don't like to medicate unless it's really necessary, but have you considered something to calm him? Now that it seems like it is a behavior/fear issue, something to help calm him when he freaks out might help. I personally hate flies myownself!
  3. I am glad you are taking him, I believe it will help. I have used it on two of my hounds, with very good results. The vet should expect you to stay with him during the treatment, if they say anything else, bye-bye!
  4. She'll be fine The vet can take the nail the rest of the way off, and will probably wrap it for a few days. Just keep an eye on it and keep it clean to make sure it doesn't get infected.
  5. I always muzzle mine when they are new, or we have a foster, but now that it's just the three, I don't muzzle anymore. I am home most of the time now, but it was the same when I worked. Yes, there is a risk they could play rough and get hurt, you will just have to decide what you want to do. I also have a dog door (love it!), but all gates are padlocked at all times. If I need to have the gate open, the dogs go inside with the dog door closed. That's MY paranoia I tried the break away collars and they worked too well, Fletcher's kept coming off. After Sallie (aka Goat Girl) ate two of them, I switched to velvet tag collars with no jingle tags, like this http://www.2houndsdesign.com/Tag-Collars-c-23.html There are a lot of different options, I am sure you will find what works best for you
  6. I wish I had an answer for you Something is clearly bothering him, even if he is the only one who can see it. I talked to an animal communicator about Fletcher's panting. She said she's had a lot of animals lately upset by solar flares. Apparently the sun is very active right now. I don't really know if I believe or not, and anyway, there isn't anything I can do about solar flares! Maybe try giving him some melatonin when he starts getting upset?
  7. Well, good that everything is checking out fine and he feels better, but frustrating that you don't know why the fluid build up I hope he gets to come home tomorrow (and Jilly Bean has a good report, too!)
  8. Thanks for the update! I am glad to hear he is doing well with the chemo. I don't always post, but I check everyday for updates.
  9. I started Fletcher on acupuncture in May(?) and she gave him a pain reliever and something for back end weakness, both Chinese medicine, and the combination has really helped. He does not have seizures though, so I can't help you there. She did say something about his front being to warm and his back being too cool, and gave me some foods that would be good to feed. I've added more fish, but some of the other stuff he wouldn't eat.
  10. yes, I have been hoping she just wasn't able to update (originally said she was due back in town today) and everything is OK...
  11. Welcome to GT! I went and looked at your new babies on the website, you have a couple of beautiful dogs coming home
  12. I wouldn't think any of those things would cause problems, but you never know how an individual will react to something. I also would like to know what your vet meant by "hurts all over"
  13. Well, if he has to have seizures, that's a good diagnosis. he gets on the right dosage quickly and has no more seizures!
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