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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I get up around the same time every day, between 6-7, and the animals are all used to this. Molly believes in getting up when it starts to get light outside (fine in the winter, not so much in mid-summer!) but she knows by now that I am not going to get up before 6. If she whines, she gets ignored, so she doesn't much anymore.
  2. Gorgeous boy! Love his eyeliner
  3. I hope Stormy is feeling better this morning. MY Sallie was panting and whining all last night after a shot of buprenex, too.
  4. Well, got x-rays this afternoon. Toe is badly dislocated but not broken. Vet gave her a little propafal (didn't put her completely out) and some pain meds and put it back in place. Padded the toe and wrapped it up. We'll leave it wrapped for about a month (with bandage changes, of course) and hope it holds, but the edges of the joint look a little worn, and the ligament is probably at least stretched if not torn. Poor little drama queen has been whining for the last few hours, I hope when I can feed her, in about an hour, it will help settle her down.
  5. no, no xray. I think at this point she may need one, since it has been "out" three times over a short period of time. I am going to wrap it for now.
  6. Well, it seemed like, when I was standing in PetSmart and staring at the Iams shelves, that the green bag came in small bags (minichunk) and larger bags (large breed? don't remember the exact wording) I didn't see a large bag of the minichunks or a small bag of the larger breed variety, hence my question. But, maybe this PM just didn't happen to carry the variety of sizes, good to know they do exist! Oh, didn't think to look at Costco! Thanks
  7. That's what I was afraid of. Well, they mainly eat raw, this is just for an extra snack kind of thing, and the occasional "I'm in a hurry/ I forgot to defrost" meal, so we may stick with the minichunks for now. I really wanted to buy a smaller bag anyway!
  8. Thanks, I will look for that for now, but I am really looking for something long term for her to wear after it heals. I don't think wrapping is an option for everyday. good to know! she is pretty tolerant of having her feet messed with, unlike some of my others
  9. OK, I know this is a silly question, but are the kibble pieces a different size and/or shape in the larger bags? I ask because we started with a small bag that calls itself "minichunks", obviously meant for smaller breeds. I am worried that if the larger bag's pieces are significantly different, the Picky Princess may be put off, although she likes the minichunks well enough, once she got past the "I can't eat this, it's different" (she might as well be a cat )
  10. I have some questions for those of you who use therapaws, or other boots. I guess mostly they are used for corns? I was looking for something to support/protect Sallie's toe, which she has now broken or dislocated four times, three times in the last month. My vet suggested one of those open hard splints, but I don't want to use that long term. I am looking for something to stabilize things so we don't have to amputate. So, my questions, can you just use one, or do they need to be "balanced"? How hard was it for your dog to get used to wearing the boot? Anyone come up with something they like better for soft support (for lack of a better term)? Thanks!
  11. "double checking every time the dog farts" I have so BTDT! I agree, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. I am glad you are starting to relax and enjoy your girl
  12. I had one digger that made holes around the yard, and I always worried that he or one of the other dogs would stumble in a hole (some were pretty deep) but in 9+ years, he never did and the others never have either. I guess they really do pay attention to where they are going I gave up refilling the holes years ago, as you say, that just made them more fun to dig You could try a sandbox, but I don't know if you could make them transfer their digging.
  13. I just bought my first bag, no gas here.
  14. Thanks, her toenails are quite short, so I know it isn't that. I think it is a combination of my backyard being uneven and her spastic running style WhiteWave, I am sorry to hear about Ronan's toe. I understand about multiple vet bills!
  15. Most dogs like pumpkin, if you are trying to add a veggie (or is it a fruit?) neither one of my current girls cares much for peanut butter, weird! My vet suggested trying tahini instead, some dogs like it, some don't. Mine did't, but I do, so no loss
  16. I am resurrecting this topic because, after a couple of weeks of being fine, I heard whining from the kitchen, went in and found Sallie holding up the bad foot AGAIN! Don't know yet how bad it is, but I am beginning to think, if she keeps doing this, that it may need to come off. I really don't want to do that, but if she keeps hurting it every couple of weeks... I don't know how she did this time either, I was in the shower.
  17. I am going through the same thing with my 11 1/2 yr old Molly. So far I have been able to keep her more or less eating, but it is a day to day thing. Mornings are much worse than evenings. Vet checks haven't found anything, so I am thinking it is just her age. Goat milk worked for awhile. I am thinking about trying some nutritional yeast, I have seen it recommended on GT before. Other things that have worked for her in the past are sardines and canned green tripe. Actually, the green tripe is still working most days.
  18. it is hard enough dealing with one health issue, but trying to manage multiple problems can make you I hope you can find a way to make Aston comfortable
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