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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I hope she has recovered this morning. You may never know what spooked her, but I hope it doesn't happen again!
  2. It depends on what she is sensitive to, but several companies make limited ingredient formulas. I would try a few of those, but none are cheap.
  3. Don't second guess yourself, you did the best you could for him. I know, easy for someone else to say, but, I have been there, and still have regrets about some of the choices I have made for some of my animals. You make the best choices you can based on the information available, but no one is perfect, and sometimes there is no choice that will keep them alive
  4. I am so sorry, that is so many blows in such a short time! You gave them all a wonderful life and did everything you could for them, cats are experts at hiding illness, as I am sure you know. What helped me was knowing I had to be there for my other animals.
  5. No knowledge of this condition, but lots of for your girl!
  6. I have used acupuncture in the past for arthritis and hind end weakness for my dogs with excellent results. It doesn't work for all dogs, but most benefit, and it is certainly worth trying. I have no experience with a chiropractic treatment.
  7. I am so sorry, it sounds very much like what I went through with my first greyhound. It is very hard to watch them fail
  8. could be that as well, I just don't want her to lick to the point of creating sores, you know?
  9. Yes, it does sound like Joey is trying to take over Casper's role as guardian. You know a whole lot more about dog behavior than I do, so I don't have any suggestions (nothing I tried really worked to change my territorial guardian greyhound ) just wishing you good luck! edited to add, Joey is probably still grieving for Casper as well.
  10. I am pretty sure it is allergies, Fletcher used to do the same thing. I will try an antihistamine for awhile and see if that helps. I live in Phoenix, no road treatments here (lots of blooming weeds though!)
  11. Charley has been licking her feet a lot lately. Mostly the front ones. I have examined them several times, can't find anything wrong. She doesn't object to me handling her feet, she's not limping Nothing red, sore, or swollen. My thoughts are, allergies (they are bad here this year) or maybe a little arthritis that makes them hurt? Any other ideas? She will stop when I tell her to, but if I don't watch her she will start up again in a few minutes. After a bit she does stop for awhile, it isn't constant.
  12. Annie, that is hilarious! You tell your mom!
  13. It sounds scary, but if the teeth are that bad she will feel so much better without them. It may help her stomach issues as well, if there is infection and/or drainage. If your vet is not familiar with greys, be sure they know about the sensitivity to anesthetics. My Sallie lost all her upper molars, both sides when she was 8 1/2 and does just fine!
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