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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am glad to hear he is doing better. Sounds like the colmicom was making things worse! I hope he is able to keep moving forward from this
  2. I have been through this with multiple dogs. I would agree with taking the bandage off once the bleeding stops. I hope he feels better soon!
  3. I now have two whiners, and the cats sometimes add their I do not reward whining, I ignore it or say What? in an irritated tone of voice, or point out that whining is not productive, and, in fact, can slow things down (food, walks, etc) If someone is whining, I always wait to feed, walk, whatever until the whining has stopped (they have a dog door, so I don't have to worry about whining meaning need to go out) All that said, they still whine just as much as always. I have decided it is just they way they communicate. And yes, I have seen the trick where two more ribs and the spine appear in order to get more food
  4. Oh, poor baby! Lots of good soft foods, though. Ice cream, whippy cream, yogurt, cheese whiz, you get the idea
  5. Not an expert by any means, but having proved he can get to that good place, I believe with plenty of time and patience, he can get there again
  6. He is beautiful, I am so sorry that he is so afraid. Poor boy.
  7. I am so happy to hear how well she is doing! These stubborn princesses are a handful, aren't they
  8. Remolacha


    I am so very sorry, I always enjoyed hearing about Pudge.
  9. That is great news! Now, if you can just get your BF to do some socialization/obedience training with his dog...
  10. It is hard when they get old and the health problems start, but it sounds (and looks!) like they are happy now. I hope they can stay that way for a long time to come.
  11. I just saw an add for it yesterday. I plan on asking my vet about it when I see her on Thursday.
  12. I have noticed my new girl, who turned 10 this month, is a little unsteady on her back legs occasionally, and twice now, after running hard in the backyard both back legs were shaking, like muscle tremors all over. She didn't seem to notice, and it went away after a few minutes, so I just put it down to being older, I don't know what her activity level was in her former home, either. I intend to keep a close eye on it, but that's all for now.
  13. I have heard of many older dogs who do this, although so far none of my seniors have . As long as she medically checks out ok and seems fine, I would just skip breakfast, but maybe give her more treats during the day (I am sure that will be difficult ) The only reason I am aware of for feeding twice a day is to prevent a "sour" stomach and vomiting that clear stuff. If she is comfortable only eating once a day, that obviously isn't a problem.
  14. This works pretty well with dogs that are either friendly, or simply have no manners. I used it just this morning with a neighbor's dog that had gotten out of the yard and came running across the street. Luckily, both my dogs stayed behind me and this dog was just young and bad mannered (a Basenji/terrier mix, energizer bunny on steroids, but smart) It won't stop an aggressive dog that means to attack. My first reaction to your situation would be to drop kick the little furball down the hallway, but that probably wouldn't lead to very good relations with the neighbor. I have had, in the past, a very leash aggressive dog, so I know how that can add to the struggle. If you can talk to the neighbor and explain how letting their dog run up to another dog (not just yours, any other dog) is not safe for their dog, it might help.
  15. I am so sorry, what a beautiful girl
  16. I am so sorry, I know how hard you fought for him.
  17. Jay, I am so sorry, she was such a beautiful girl
  18. I am so sorry, he sounds like he was a wonderful boy
  19. Congratulations! Diva looks like she will live up to her name
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