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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. That's greyt news (about the nodes). I'm going through the same thing with Freddie. He hardly ate anything Wednesday and yesterday (he ate about 2 T of cat food, 2/3 of an ice cream cup, and a little bit of rice - in 2 days). Today he ate nearly a cup of chicken twice.
  2. C'mon, Blitz, Baby - get better and make your mom and dad happy.
  3. BTW, $1200 isn't too bad. Our estimate was $1800-2500.
  4. I know how you feel and my heart is breaking for you. We will be facing the same decision very soon with Freddie.
  5. I just posted about my Freddie. His started the same way, lack of appetite and weight loss. X-rays showed a mass so we were referred to a surgeon. The ultrasound this morning shows his spleen is completely gone and most of his liver is as well. Yesterday the vet said if the liver wasn't too bad he could remove part of it and then consider radiology or chemo. Freddie's lungs were clear which was a good sign. Unfortunately, the other stuff wasn't good. I would suggest a second opinion. Freddie is nearly 15. Your baby is 6. I'm not saying your vet is not right, I'm just saying it sounds too gloom and doomy to me without at least an x-ray/ultrasound.
  6. The ultrasound revealed that his spleen is completely compromised and most of his liver. We will spoil him until he is ready to go.
  7. Freddie's surgery is tomorrow. They will do an ultrasound first.
  8. We had a Siamese who lived to nearly 22. He was diabetic and also had allergies. After trying Benadryl caps (pink foam and lots of bloody fingers) and children's liquid elixer (pink foam and more bloody fingers), the vet gave us an enjectable version so when we gave Beau his insulin, we also included the Benadryl. It's hard. Hang in there.
  9. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I know this is very frustrating for you. The not knowing is what drives me nuts...
  11. Oh, Pam, you have made me feel so much better. I just checked the paperwork DH brought home and it is indeed Alexander Aguila. How are their prices? They charged a lot for TJ's taliwhacker removal - about $1600. I'll do whatever it takes to make Freddie well, but I'm a little nervous about the cost. Baby boy came out to eat some boiled chicken breasts and ate every bite.
  12. They already got us in as early as they can. Bay Area Hospital. They used to be on Edgebrook and it was a group of specialists - eye, ortho, etc., but they left there (which is also an emergency clinic at night) and moved to Fuqua. Dr. Aguille or Aguirre or something like that. I've got all my stuff printed out and will be ready with my questions. Freddie is feeling very insecure right now so he has retreated to his safe place. Poor baby.
  13. DH just called. Freddie is in the closet. Crap.
  14. Somebody please tell me what the right anesthesia is for greyhounds. My mind is totally wiped out right now.
  15. in his stomach. Vet says the good news is that it is not "cloudy." DH is on his way to the surgeon's office to set up an appointment. I'm so scared.
  16. My son's "new" dog has heartworms. His vet is recommending that he treat him with Heart Guard.
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