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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. Same here. I mailed my package to England before Thanksgiving but the other two are waiting. DH has all the bins and boxes with the decorations on the dining room table, so I hope to have the tabled cleared by tomorrow and start wrapping.
  2. I sent one to UK last Wednesday. No news yet.
  3. We lost two of our kitties last September. They were 17 and 18. It's so hard to lose our babies. My heart goes out to you.
  4. I posted this somewhere else(God only knows where) so I thought I had better post here as well. Gidge got her SS box (the note says it is part of her gift). They were WONDERFUL treats from Shelby'smom. Thank you so much!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmm - this smells very, very good... Oh, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
  5. Here I ams! I are a little black tuxedo girl who will be 9 on December 2. I wubs collars, but them needs to be small - my widdle neck is 13 inches. Oh, and they need to be 1-inch wide because - well - I is small. Even 1.5 inches don looks too good on my scrawny neck. I lubs stuffies (squeaking kind only, no rubber yuk), Greenies (the new kind), any kind of treats (Burpdog, Trudy's, or Kim's [shelby's Mom]).
  6. Gidgie got part of her SS gift, greyt treats from Shelby!! I'll add pictures later. Thank you so much!!!
  7. She is precious. And of course, thank you for adopting a black baby!!!
  8. It sure looks as though Darcy is Daddy's girl.
  9. I was at a vet's office with a table that lifts and flips. So if the dog is standing, once the table gets to the desired height, it turns so that the dog is on its side.
  10. Where does one get bp? Gidge is having her corns hulled about every 6 weeks now.
  11. Kathleen, a 33-month survival rate is a miracle in and of itself. Max is such a wonderful boy. Please know I share your pain. Give him a big smooch from me.
  12. Thanks. I'm not even gonna go where I thought this meant.
  13. All this sounds wonderful. I'm hoping she responds well to the chemo. Just one thing, though. Please translate
  14. Oh, no - he was way too young. Hugs to you and yours.......
  15. Oooooooo, a cowdoggy! What a cutie.
  16. Bev - maybe you should change your mind about having an adult beverage .. or two ..... Good thoughts and prayers for you and your two girls.
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