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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. We never feel that we have done enough. She will be in your heart forever. Godspeed, sweet girl.
  2. Praise God he came through the surgery. Give him big sloppy kisses from Gidge and a nice ear rub from me.
  3. Crap. You have done all you can for this sweet baby. Doing the right thing will be so hard - we have been there - but knowing you love her dearly means more to her than anything else other than being released from her pain and suffering. My heart goes out to you.
  4. Oh, no! Adding my thoughts and prayers to those already expressed. Looking for an update..........
  5. Prayers for the sweet boy. Take care of yourself, too, hon.
  6. Any word on the blood panel? Keep getting better, Jester!!!!!!!!!
  7. Just now seeing this. Hope that sweet girl starts feeling better. BTW, that is an outragenous fee for surgery.
  8. Welcome from Texas. She is a cutie. I have an Adopt A Greyhound lanyard I use for all my work badges.
  9. How about Gateway? Congrats on your happy little girlie, and welcome from Houston!
  10. Welcome from Houston, and thank you so much for adopting a black baby.
  11. Holy crap, Joyce. Talking about double barrel problems. I'm so sorry to hear about your kiddos. Please keep us posted.
  12. Thanks! Gidge just had her two corns hulled again so I'm going to try this stuff.
  13. Do you apply it per the instructions (5 times a day)?
  14. I can't say much more than the others have already said. I'm so sorry.
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