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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. All the test but one are back. Everything looks normal except for his liver She says it's a little off so she wants to do another test to make sure it wasn't a misread or something. No breakfast this mornig. He ate his turkey neck. I'm boiling a chicken breast and a couple of drumsticks right now for dinner to see if he will eat that.
  2. Freddie can't hold it for more than 5 or 6 hours.
  3. C'mon, big guy, don't scare your mommy like that.
  4. No supper and didn't eat his snack at night, either. Very little breakfast but he did just eat his turkey neck and a scrambled egg from Sonic.
  5. He is REALLY enjoying a little cup of Blue Bell vanilla ice cream.
  6. I'm jealous!! But we were there 3 weeks ago so I guess I can't complain. That's good news! My girls love scrambled eggs. I'm a native Houstonian, and I've never heard of Cafe Piquet.....hmmm......am I missing out on something good? Cuban restaurant on Bissonnet. Yah, you are missing something delish!!
  7. He enjoyed his scrambled eggs and did eat his kibble tonight.
  8. DH just called. Vet says on the surface everything looks good. Drew blood for labs. He is down to 49.8 pounds.
  9. I thought about trying that, but if I put anything in his food (gluc, msm, fresh factors, Missing Link - either all or just one), he won't touch it at all. He is eating his night time snack of plain kibble, but he won't eat plain kibble during the day. Grrrrrrrrr, so frustrating.
  10. He won't eat slamon, tuna, sardines, or mackerel. I've started giving him canned dog food and he eats a little of that. His teeth look OK, at least what he will let me see. Doesn't seem to have any trouble eating his turkey necks. Heck, if I have to, I'll give him necks 10 times a day.
  11. Freddie doesn't want to eat much these days (he still scarfs down his turkey necks) and is starting to lose weight. Ribs aren't showing yet but his little cracker butt is getting smaller and smaller. He has an appointment this afternoon to get checked over. I know I have no reason to, but I'm so worried about him. He'll be 15 in November.
  12. Be careful with the proin and pph. I know my girl and at least one other on this board had a stroke because of this stuff.
  13. More likely thousands than hundreds What you find here is breed specific information, as well as diseases and disorders affecting greyhounds due to moving around (i.e., yes, greys in Canada can have a TBD), etc. and just that they are greyhounds. Other breeds have specific issues to their breed. When I was in Dobes, my vets readily admitted I knew more about Dobes than they did regarding medical issues specific to the breed. Back then (seems like a hundred years ago) I called around the country and talked with breeders when I had a problem I needed help with What's a TBD? (i'm thinking "to be determined" but I don't think so here... ) tick-borne disease.
  14. Thank goodness it went well. Is it just me, or do you get the feeling that Dr. C kinda has a special regard for GTers?
  15. Peter, please send your mom and pop a sign to let them know you are doing greyt....
  16. I hear ya. Freddie will be 15 in November. He has started not wanting to eat. He does enjoy his turkey necks, but by not eating he isn't getting his supplements (gluc, MSM, etc.). He has lost a little weight and is starting to look frail....
  17. greyhoundlov


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