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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. If Proin is the same as PPA, my China had a stroke from it. She never had any of Hobbes' symptoms. She developed a weakness on her right rear side and knuckled when she walked. It took us 6 months to train that foot to walk properly.
  2. I believe if you can find someone in your area to administer the chemo, Dr. Cuoto provides it at no charge.
  3. Get some Adams spray and spray bedding, furniture, etc. It works and smells really good. You could also use it on him for the errant flea if you want to wait for the Frontline. Ann is right, if you don't have ticks Advantage works waaayyy better on fleas. Yuppers.
  4. So have you found all the collar and coat and bling websites yet?
  5. Welcome to GT, in spite of the circumstances that brought you here.
  6. Another black baby adopted. Whoo whoo!!!
  7. Bless you for taking this homeless baby. Win-win all around.
  8. Oh, Kate, I'm so sorry to hear this. I just know he is up there goading the others into a fun run. Hugs to you all.
  9. Holy crap, how frightening! I'm glad to see she is doing better and hope DH is improving as well.
  10. Oh, what a beautiful boy. Thank you so much for adopting a black baby, and welcome to GT.!
  11. What a greyt picture and lovely little lady.
  12. There are so many new stars twinkling in the heavens....
  13. They all look alike to me....
  14. Just saw this. How scarey is that!!! I'm so glad he (and you) are doing better.
  15. We went through this with China and osteo. We didn't know she was sick. I touched a bump on her shoulder and she screamed. This was around 7:30 in the morning. We rushed her to the vet. X-rays showed that two of her ribs were broken from the osteo. She was gone by 9:30. We were numb from shock, then guilt, then a myriad of emotions that we still feel 7 years later. Shock because we weren't expecting it, then guilt because our girl was sick and we didn't recognize it, and then the thoughts that roll around and around in your head for days, especially when you are trying to go to sleep. Missy, the pug, was going downhill for a long time and we knew we would have to let her go. When we made the decision, it broke our hearts. We knew we had done what we could to make her comfortable during her last months, but we still kept second-guessing as to whether we should have let her go sooner or tried to help her for a few more days/week/months. I don't think there is a pat answer to your question. I just know that many of us have been there and our hearts share your pain.
  16. greyhoundlov


    OMG, Shiela, I'm just now seeing this and can't believe it. I can't say any other words any better than those before me. Just know my heart hurts for you.
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