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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. Be careful which bully sticks you buy. Even US made can be a problem. http://itchmo.com/read/fda-warning-letter-...oducts_20070710
  2. Oh, Bev, I was waiting for her to eat the camera...or the camera person! At least we know all systems are "go"ing.
  3. I second the motion. (But she is not the Diane who caught Gus. That was Diana.)
  4. Ah, Miss Grumpypuss, let Mom and Dad help! Thinking positive thoughts, Bev...
  5. Damn. I never met your sweet boy but he touched my heart as well. Continue to remember the good times. Blessings to you and your family.
  6. Just now seeing this. Holy cow, what a roller coaster ride. I'm so glad they found the problem and she is ready to come home. Big hugs for a sweet baby.
  7. Is it possible he hurt his neck? Gidge was like that one time. She shakes her stuffies like crazy and pulled a muscle. I thought she was going to die.
  8. Our bridgegirl China had a stroke. It took 6 months to get her to walking without knuckling, but she did it.
  9. Let's make a deal - you call it what you want to call it, I will call it what I want to call it. No need to be judgmental or supercilous. If someone doesn't understand, they will ask nicely. That's the way we do things here.
  10. Use Diane's 3-day rule. If he is still limping Monday, a vet should take a look at him.
  11. greyhoundlov


    I'm so sorry, Vince.
  12. I just saw this. Holy cow. I'm glad it wasn't more serious.
  13. Do a search for "corns" and you will find a slew of information.
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