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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. Thanks from Jack and family. We all loved the prezzies. And had such fun watching Jack open them Whats this under the tree, could it be for me?! OH boy, Oh boy, a stuffie It squeeks, It squeeks!! Where'd Quannah go with my duck, OOOH, more goodies I can throw this one Merry Christmas!! Debi - the collar looks cute on him. I'm glad he likes his goodies.
  2. Holy crap!! I have never done SS and surely never will. Yikes!! It went International. The other two were a total of about $40.
  3. Oh, yeah. Shipping for one of my packages was $58.
  4. When Zema was in for her dental in January, while she was still under, doc hulled her Big Monster Corn again and then just barely touched the surface (the corn divot) with the laser. Not trying to remove extra tissue, just sorta cauterizing it. After that, girlie was corn-free for a good 9 months. Don't know that you'd have to put a dog totally out to do it -- might be able to do it with just a bit of ace or butorphanol to help hold them still. Zema was already out for her dental so we figured we'd give it a try. She is going in for a dental in January so I'll talk to the vet about it. Thanks!!!
  5. We take her once a month to have the corns hulled and her nails trimmed. What is the hull-plus-laser thing? Uh - no.
  6. You are very welcome. It was fun shopping for everyone. I always send freeze-dried ice cream. The puppers (and humans) love it.
  7. plus now she has them on the other two paws as well. She hardly knows which foot to limp on, poor baby.
  8. Connecticut - according to FedEx there is a weather delay so they will try again tomorr.w Tennessee - according to UPS, your package was delivered yesterday.
  9. There is that, plus Gidge thinks that any package coming through the front door is for her.
  10. According to my UPS tracking #, one of my folks received the package yesterday........
  11. Got the rest of mine mailed today. Lordy, postage is HIGH!!! I nearly spent more on shipping than I did on the gifts.
  12. Wow! We hit the jackpot!!! We took pictures but have to have the film developed (cuz my digital disappeared). Gidge's two cousins are houseguests so they were also involved in the gift opening. All three loved the stuffy. All three got some t-bone treats. Gidge's Christmas dinner is safely tucked away for Christmas day. And I love my diffuser. Thank you so much. You were very generous.
  13. That is just wrong!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW, one for you needs to be opened before Christmas just so you can use it as it is intended.
  14. Hey, no fair. Mizzy got to open hers!!
  15. I usually use gift bags and then they all go into a box.
  16. TJ had so many blockages that they finally removed his tallywhacker. Now he pees like a girl.
  17. Freddie is there with China Blue and Sophia to show her the ropes.
  18. Gidge thinks every package that comes in the door is for her, so we open immediately.
  19. Bethany, thank you so much!! The package arrived yesterday. Gidge shared her Greenies with my two granddogs who are staying with us for 10 days. She loves the stuffy, and I love that beautiful collar. As soon as I can find my old camera, I'll take a picture. The kitties are loving their toys. I had to lock them in another room because Max, the 120-lb rotty, likes kitty toys, too. Again, thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
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