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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. Yep, a big zit! I can't believe I paid all that money for them to zap a zit. Hey, good news! I'd rather pay to zap a zit than have to zap a something worse.
  2. With Freddie, when all else failed, I gave him canned cat food. Was it good for him? No. Did I care? No. I gave him whatever he would eat. If eating off my plate worked, he got it. At their age (and knowing we were losing him), I gave him whatever worked. I know it's hard. Hug that boy for me.
  3. Same here. We lost Freddie Oct. 5. After having him for 12 years, the house seems desolate. He was a quiet shadow, but he was there.
  4. If they think Jane can tolerate the surgery, you may be able to get Care Credit. Fingers crossed and big hugs.
  5. We lost our Freddie after more than 12 years in October. I know how your heart is hurting. I am still hurting and it has been 3 months. I'm so glad Lenny sent you a sign. I so wish that Freddie would send me one. Big hugs to you.
  6. Dear Mr. Pimpmaster: I didn't know they had greyhounds in Cuba! Wow! She is soooooooooo pretty. Take good care of her.
  7. I love the way the little eyebrows wiggle up and down.
  8. Could they be nipples? Just saw a similar thread...
  9. I'm so sorry. Dear, look for Freddie. He's a really sweet boy.
  10. I'm so glad you liked everything, Miss Holly. Tell your mom to read the instructions for Bobble Bob. Bob tells time, temperature, and lots of other good stuff. Kitties - it never occurred to me you might like the salmon treats! Happy holidays and blessings for you all. ETA: I don't know who the hound is in the frame. It came that way. Isn't s/he gorgeous?
  11. Freddie, November 28, 1992 - October 5, 2007 Our spookerdoodle. His first roach after 9 years: His favorite bed - the cats' He loved riding in the car Enjoying the beach One of my fav pictures - Freddie & DH "watching" TV When he first started venturing out and actually spending time with us The day we knew he finally felt at home - 12 years in the making. Enjoying the sunshine I still can't believe he is gone. I miss him so much. And we can't forget Missy, our greyhound wannabe that kept losing by a nose. ?? 1989 - March 2007
  12. Ahhhhh! You beat me by an hour and ten minutes!! Just uploaded the pics. Guess I was too slow.... See here (Linky). Phew, what a relief! I was getting nervous. I'm glad Honey likes her stuff and hope the collar fits her all right. Gidge is tiny, also, and needs smaller collars. Happy holidays to you and yours!!!
  13. Hey Gidge- Here it is! She wouldn't stand still long enough for me to get a good shot. Thanks again for the gifts. They are awesome!!!
  14. Why did they return it?? They didn't return it. They haven't said anything about it.
  15. I guess the Connecticut folks didn't like their stuff.............
  16. Gidge received two packages today. (She is mad at me because we haven't opened them yet but I'm out of film.) Anyhooo, one package is from Wilmington, DE, and the other is from Maryland (Rachel!). Rachel, what is your GT name? I'll take pictures tomorrow and post them. Thanks so much!!
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