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Everything posted by MerseyGrey

  1. Buddy’s got I’m Slippy in his line too. I did go back through his lines when we first got onto Greyhound Data and loved looking at the pictures of his ancestors. I was just surprised to find so many common ancestors in his fairly recent past. His family tree is more interesting than mine! It’s nice to connect with some of his distant cousins. my little champ is currently curled up at my feet after his morning walk (thorn in his pad, zoomie in the field and discovery of a long dead rabbit whose bones he chomped through and the result is noxious gas wafting up to me)
  2. I realise that I might look a bit like a cyber-stalker here but I had a bit of free time on my hands and thought I would have a peek into the ancestry of some of the other British hounds whose humans visit this site. I chose British hounds as Buddy’s ancestry is mostly UK and Irish, with a bit of Aussie thrown in and it helped to narrow the search. I looked at just three hounds and found that Buddy was related to them all! Two of them were pretty distant (Goosetree Chance/ Chancey - hello Banjoman! And Boomtown Ken / Ken - hi Doc’s Doc), but he is quite closely related to the third (Ardera Coleen / Grace - hey HeyRunDog!), with whom he shares a paternal granddad and a few others further back. There are photos on Greyhound-data of Boomtown Ken who looks quite a lot like my Buddy Molly - down to the white toes on his back left foot! What do others think: is greyhound ancestry a bit like being able to trace every human back to Charlemagne or some other historical figure? I wasn’t expecting to find common ancestors quite so easily. So this is what I’ve found in less than an hour of investigation - just think what I could do with a whole day! Sherlock Holmes - watch out! Again, sorry for stalking you fellow Brits
  3. Yes - just now: ‘Hey Buds, are you ok?’ No answer. ‘Do you really want to eat that?’ About the thing he has just puked up in the garden. No answer (unless you include eating the thing he puked as an answer).
  4. Awwww, he’s a beautiful boy! And he’s got a snoozy friend waiting for him too
  5. Are you showing them Canadian hospitality and taking them for beaver tails and double-doubles? Eh!
  6. Another black beauty! He looks ready to push you off the sofa. You must be sitting in his favourite seat
  7. I wish we had that problem! Buddy will currently only eat if he’s hand fed his kibble. He’s such a princess!
  8. He’s being cute with it here but he loves to pull the stuffing out when the seam comes undone on the back. Sorry for chopping the top of his head off
  9. My aunt works for a hedgehog rescue charity and would disown me if she saw what Buddy did to his first one
  10. I see the standard issue hedgehog toy waiting to be deconstructed! What is it about a roach that makes me so ridiculously happy? I don’t think I will ever tire of seeing these graceful creatures exposing themselves.
  11. Welcome home Jenny! I can’t wait to see the photos!
  12. Yes, Buddy is inconsistent when it comes to meeting other dogs - he seems to tolerate puppies jumping at his face much better than older dogs, but occasionally it’s just all a bit too much for him and he snaps. He also likes female puppies a lot more and is earning a bit of a reputation for himself... He’s noticeably better with other greyhounds as lots of ex racers seem to be. We know he can be unpredictable, and that’s what say to people who let their dogs approach him off the lead. I don’t want to say that he doesn’t like other dogs to them because I want them to take a bit of responsibility for what their dog does. At nearly 9 years old I don’t think we’ll ever get him to a point where he enjoys other dogs’ presence but we have bought one of the books previously recommended on this thread (Feisty Fido - the other one is not in Kindle format!) and have started to apply some of the suggestions made in there. we have noticed an increase in his whimpering at other dogs this week, particularly ones that bark at him - most have been smaller dogs. This is what he was like when we first got him but we’re optimistic that we can make progress with him. Fingers crossed and thanks for your advice.
  13. What a handsome boy! It’s so hard to choose just one from that selection!
  14. I was sorry to hear about Lola. We are on our first boy so I can’t compare with a girl, but Buddy certainly matches some of the descriptions given as general boy behaviour. He’s quite clingy and loooooves people. He’s a sweet and gentle soul and a real mummy’s boy, although he gives his dad the best welcome when he comes home from work. There is one room in the house where he can’t be trusted to be alone as he likes to pee in there but otherwise he’s not really one for marking. He also likes to take his toys out to the garden one by one, but he either waits for you to notice him before he goes or he checks out of the corner of his eye to make sure you’re following him. When he gets you out there he does his best to keep away from you, not actually wanting to play, just wanting you to watch him play! he also runs at you in order to ram his nose between your legs - from in front or behind - just to keep you on your toes I think. He’s a quirky boy. I hope you find a good match for you this weekend!
  15. Thanks, I’m trying to reduce the size of some of my photos so I can upload more. It’s great to see a photo of his sister on there!
  16. Hi Dick, my name is Ellen and I wondered if you would mind posting some info on greyhound data for me when you have time? The photo is of my beloved hound, racing name Buddy Molly, pet name Buddy. He has adopted Dan and Ellen Haydon as his human companions. Thanks in advance, ellen
  17. Thanks Greytpups, i think you’re absolutely right about Buddy sensing our nervousness - Buddy is not the only one who has required some training over the last year! I have tried hard to be a bit more relaxed around other dogs when we are out walking but my husband is very protective over Buddy and did his best to intervene yesterday. I think it puts Buds on edge a bit, and someone I work with suggested that Buddy may have been trying to protect Dan, lovely boy that he is! So I’m going to work on training both my boys.
  18. Thank you all for your advice. As usual, some great stuff here and I'm going to look into it all. Thanks for the link Banjoman - I was struggling to find an official website for the UK.
  19. Thanks Bizeebee, all these responses are so helpful. Yes, I’m expecting to see him become a bit more nervous when dogs approach him *sigh* but we’ve found that in various aspects of his training although we’ve had setbacks he’s still massively improved from the dog we brought home last June. I haven’t seen those collars before - just ones that say ‘nervous dog’ - so these are something that we can consider. Thanks!
  20. Thanks racindog, both replies are reinforcing what I already think - I don’t want to muzzle him because he’s come on so far since last year. I’m glad he was able to defend himself this morning and I don’t want to have a knee jerk reaction to one incident. It’s good to get this advice from you so I know I’m not being irresponsible. Thank you!
  21. Thanks Macoduck, we weren’t quick enough this morning and I’m not sure that either of us had our phones on us but I think we’ll start carrying them now. There is no law to have your dog on a lead here although obviously each owner is responsible for their dog and it is recommended for greyhounds to be kept on a lead. The other owners probably felt it was ok to let their dog run free as it was so early but it baffles me as to why people assume that just because their dog I’d ‘ok’ with others, that other people’s dogs will be ok with theirs. Luckily Buddy came out unscathed today. Hopefully we won’t bump into them anytime soon!
  22. Hi everyone, we had an incident whilst out walking this morning which I’d like to get some opinions on from people with more experience than me. We were out walking Buddy this morning at about 5.30 as we normally do. On our return home we came across a dog that we hadn’t seen before with her owners. She bounded towards him and before we knew it there’s was a full scale emergency with the other dog in Buddy’s mouth, and him trying to tear strips off her. a little context: Buddy is not great with other dogs. We have spent the past year of owning him trying to get him more used to being around other dogs with reasonable success. He is much more tolerant of other dogs but still can’t stand it when they jump up in his face and at this point he will snap and let them know it’s not welcome. After he snaps he gets himself out of the way. Before the snap comes we warn the other owner that he can be a little unpredictable (this was after a few months of telling people that he wasn’t likely to snap and them telling me that it was alright, their dog is ok, or ‘look! His tail’s wagging! He’s fine’ or the ultimate - Buddy being happy to meet the other dog and making me look like liar!) Buddy is no angel - we had him off the lead for a while until he himself attacked another dog after chasing a rabbit. This I put down to his prey drive being engaged and not caring what he got got hold of - he just wanted to complete the chase and catch game. He’s been on the lead ever since except for in enclosed fields when we’re happy there’s no other dog in there. To this morning: the rogue dog ran at Buddy from about 30 feet and got in his face. No lead. It was a bit of a blur but I think I saw her try to bite him (she was some kind of Staffordshire terrier mix and could only just reach his chest) and the husband tried to get in between them whilst avoiding being bitten by either dog and losing his specs in the process. Whatever happened, it resulted in Buddy clamping down on her neck and ear (he always goes for the neck of his squeaky toys!) and not letting go. Predictably she was growling and crying which made him want to bite her more. Buddy let go of her and she seemed to come back for more, at which point he tried to bite her again until her owner finally reached us and dragged her away. He said he thought that Buddy must have gone for her because she was a friendly dog and only wanted to play (she was still straining at the lead to get to him - he pointed this out as evidence of her being friendly). He then stated that he walked at that time to avoid this scenario which makes me think it may have happened before. A brief discussion resulted in me pointing out that we keep Buddy on the lead so we can control him, checking that both dogs and owners were ok, an apology from the other owner (just the man, the woman seemed to be completely disinterested), and me steadfastly not offering to take care of any vet bills. we were a bit shook up and after checking Buddy over we came home. Buds had no bite marks but I’m not sure if that’s because he got in there first. The other dog had bites to her ear. I suppose what I would like to know from people is: should I consider muzzling Buddy? We stopped using it after he was set upon in February by a pit bull type dog as we felt that he wasn’t unable to defend himself if it happened again. I’m no dog psychologist but his greatest improvement in behaviour towards other dogs seems to have been since he’s not been wearing the muzzle. This may be confirmation bias, however! was I right not to offer anything towards vet bills? Something about these people leads me to think that they might not be taking their dog to the vet anyway...which is very judgemental as the man at least clearly cared a lot about his dog. other than warning people that he might be unpredictable and then essentially putting all the blame for potential attacks onto Buds, is there anything else I can do or a better way of avoiding conflicts (I don’t really want to kick the dogs away in these situations but am not opposed to putting my foot up the owner’s backside) ? will I, at some point, become less neurotic about my greyhound?!?! I want another (and another! And another...) but I love him so much that I stress over every tiny thing! Actually, I am LOADS more relaxed about him that I was this time last year even if it doesn’t sound like it! I’m still working on getting the husband that way. sorry for the long post but your collective advice is much appreciated x
  23. We have one of these... https://www.amazon.com/Kurgo-Zip-Line-Leash-Carabiner/dp/B002AN6STC which we used for Buddy on the back seat of my car. We put the main strap between the passenger handles above the doors and then attached the lead to that with the carabiner. The strap length is adjustable and the lead has loops along its length so you can restrict the dog as much as you need to. I’ve now bought a new car so I can fold the seats completely flat and he has the run of the boot and back seat space and think this will work in that configuration too. I also have the kind that clip in where the seatbelts would but I found that it wasn’t really long enough to allow him to move around at all. I want him to be safe in an accident but not to strangle him while he’s finding his comfy spot so the Kurgo is better for us.
  24. Buddy had a similar thing a few months ago after crashing into a wall during a zoomie. We left it uncovered and I didn’t stop him from licking. It took a couple of weeks but it healed up on its own. A few months on and there is hardly even a scar. Our groomer recommends an antiseptic spray called Leucerin - I’m not sure if it’s sold in the States, but that might help to keep it clean.
  25. Could it be an injury he has picked up from running around? Buddy has a similar thing on his front leg at the minute which is improving as the days go by, but he is stiff on getting up then he seems to walk it off. I think that was from a particularly vigorous zoomie on some uneven ground resulting in a twisted wrist (wrist? Ankle?). Another possibility is a broken claw that isn’t completely broken off, that produced similar symptoms too. But if you’ve had him for seven years you’ve probably already experienced that once or twice and know what it looks like. What kind of cancer did yours have? I would probably want to exclude the possibility of a recurrence if it’s one that is difficult to completely remove, or one that that may have metastasised. There are other people on this forum with a lot more experience than me (Buddy has been with us for just over a year), and they will be able to give you much clearer advice. Hopefully he’ll shake it off.
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